Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Jewish voters sour on Obama

From the Washington Free Beacon, June 5, 2012:

Typically liberal Jewish voters appear to be souring on President Obama, according to a recent poll conducted by a left-leaning Jewish social values organization.

Obama was selected by 59 percent of those Jewish voters polled—down significantly from the 78 percent of the Jewish electorate Obama garnered in 2008, according to a Workman’s Circle Poll.

Twenty-seven percent of those polled selected a general Republican candidate over Obama. Replacing the generic Republican with an actual candidate may shift that number further toward Republicans, however; surveys of Jewish voting behavior suggest a growing number of Jewish voters consider themselves Independents instead of Democrats and could be breaking toward Republicans in greater numbers.

Fourteen percent of those polled remain undecided, a significant amount in an American Jewish community that reflexively tends to vote Democratic and that wholeheartedly embraced Barack Obama in 2008.

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