From The Jerusalem Post, October 22, 2009, by Isi Leibler:
... why make a fuss about an organization, even if it does engage in activities that many would consider offensive?
Besides, blackballing such a fringe group would lead to accusations of attempting to stifle freedom of expression and transform them into martyrs.
However, the fact is that no one is seeking to deny freedom of expression to J Street or other groups hostile to Israel. The issue is whether organizations should be enabled to exploit the Jewish community as launching pads to campaign against the Jewish state whilst presenting themselves as mainstream Jews.
Most Jews would concur that a red line should be drawn between legitimate criticism of Israel and concerted campaigns to pressure the US or any government to force the democratically elected government of Israel to make concessions which could imperil the lives of its citizens.
J Street [and many other publicity-seeking people born as Jews] have crossed that red line even though they continuously recite the mantra that they are "pro-Israel", insisting that whilst they "disagree with certain Israeli government policies our bottom line is that we always support the State of Israel and its future as a democracy".
...they have the chutzpa to openly campaign against Israel on the grounds that they possess a superior understanding of what is best for Israelis. They obscenely spin this by likening themselves to parents who are obliged to employ "tough love" with children who are drug addicts. It is surely unconscionable for Jews resident in America to lobby their government to pressurize Israelis contrary to their will, to take steps that could have life and death implications.
...An even more ominous cause for concern was the recent disclosure that Arab and even pro Iranian elements were funding J Street. One donor and member of the organization's finance committee, Genevieve Lynch, was a participant of the National Iranian American Council, the unofficial lobby group for the Iranian government. Judith Barnett, a former registered agent for Saudi Arabia, is a donor and serves on the J Street Advisory Council. Nancy Dutton, until 2008 an attorney for the Saudi Arabian Embassy, donates to J. Street's political action committees which have been actively financing anti-Israeli Congressional candidates.
In summary, J Street have established a virtually consistent track record of hostility against Israel. One has yet to see them releasing a single statement backing Israel on any substantive issue. They vigorously campaign to pressure the US government to be "tough" and force Israel to make unilateral concessions. They financially support the election of anti-Israeli Congressmen and raise the specter of dual loyalties. They continuously defame mainstream Jewish organizations, depicting them as extremists. They receive financial support and praise from Arabs and foes of Israel. To suggest that such an organization is "pro-Israel" is utterly preposterous.
Today Israel is undergoing a critical phase in its relationship with the US. The pressures on the Jewish state are not limited to calls to freeze settlements. In the aftermath of the toxic Goldstone report, Israelis travelling abroad may now face the threat of prosecution. Israel also faces the challenge of defining defensible borders and addressing the danger of a nuclear Iran. In these and other existential challenges, Israel is largely dependent on United States support which J Street seeks to undermine.
There is no doubt that the vast majority of committed Jews are outraged by a Jewish organization whose principal raison d'être is to lobby the United States to act harshly against Israel. The limited support J Street enjoys comes principally from those uninvolved in Jewish life. Indeed, Ben-Ami even told the New York Times that his members comprised primarily of intermarried youngsters who attend "Buddhist Seders". That probably explains why J Street could endorse the staging of the contemporary anti-Semitic blood libel play "Seven Jewish Children".
No one seeks to deny Israeli bashers freedom of expression. But there is a need to make the public aware that J Street represents an insignificant group of uncommitted Jews. .
..J Street must be exposed as hostile to Israel and marginalized from the Jewish community. If Americans understand this, J Street's ability to undermine Israel will largely be neutralized.
There is nothing novel about J-Street other than their extraordinary corruption. Getting $$$ from Iranian & Saudi sources ? Really ! Is it possible that's who set them up in the first place? Or maybe they're "agents-provocateurs" set up by the Mossad to deceive Islamic causes, the left-wing "activists" who have adopted "palestine" as their mascot of choice & a host of their well-funded favorites in the U.S. e.g Former president James Carter, Mearsheimer & Walt. Don't make martyrs out of them. They don't deserve it. Norman L. Roth, Toronto Canada. Google on WEB "Norman Roth, Economics" or "Norman Roth, Telos &"
Addendum, March 16, 2,010
Since this item advocating the "ostracization" of J.Street was posted (Oct. 23, 2009),this corrupt, mosor-oriented lobby group has obviously gone on to swing considerable weight with the insiders of the Obama administration, pro-Islamist funders & the now rejuvenated "Arabists" of the U.S.State department.But recent events now prove that all the dire predictions about who & what Barack Hussein Obama really is made over two years ago have been over-vindicated.But Obama has locked into a truly "historic" legacy of Israeli-U.S. poliy conflict & shattered the historically false myth of Israel & America being "allies". Does anybody remember the ice-cold Eisenhower-Dulles years of the 1950's ? Or the the 1978 false peace of 1978 forced on Israel by the Carter administration & his national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski ? The entire Sinai was 'returned' to Egypt by the attacked victor..Israel.The exchanges were so vitriolic that they are still with-held from public examination. The Oslo "peace-process" was even worse since it rescued the noted Egyptian pederast Yasir Arafat from his imminent destruction at the hands of Muslim rivals. This is the "tradition that Obama & the forces behind him have tapped into. Israel has obviously decided "Never Again".
Norman L. Roth, Google on WEB, Norman Roth, Economics
A remarkable opportunity to express our outrage in a legitimate public forum, against the atrocities that are committed in the name of Islam on an almost daily basis, has opened up.In this case in a venue that is close to the U.S.-Canada border on the Ontario side, across from upstate New York.In late August of 2009, the worst "honor killing" in the history of our continent(that we know of) took place in Kingston Ontario. Three Afghan Muslims, Father, Mother and son 'allegedly' murdered four women of their own family.The bodies of these unfortunate young women were subsequently fished out of the St. Lawrence River in a vehicle whose ownership has not yet been disclosed.The reasons for this multiple murder will presumably be made clear at trial; A veil of (protective ?) silence has since descended over the entire a way which would meet with the loudest & most indignant media noise...if non-Muslims had any connection whatsoever with such a crime.In a constitutional democracy their exists the right of lawful assembly for purposes of peaceful protest...outside the courthouse. There is no limit on numbers & no limit on what is said & done there, providing local ordinances & law enforcement procedures are respected.Let's keep this monitored.They can't deal with this matter in camera for much longer. Time to act, Not just talk. Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada. Google on WEB: Norman Roth, Economics
May 15, 2010, Islamic Jihad Watch posted by Steve Lieblich: "Muslim students organization..refuses condemnation of call to genocide for Jews"
Why be surprised by such 'news' anymore? Genocide and "eliminationism" are "Just doin' a what comes naturally" to most Muslims: With the Jews pinpointed as their very special "targets of opportunity". This was noticed by Maimonides;The Rambam himself, circa 1190C.E..He noticed lots of things like that.The exact quotes are not hard to find.There are so many contemporary examples of such "bred-in-the-bone" Muslim behavioral patterns, that it's an imposition on our readers' patience to recite them all.After all, Islamic theology is basically sado-masochistic in nature.Which they themselves are quite proud of. But can we Jews in the diaspora (or the 'Galut') really continue with our purely reactive strategy of debating-society rhetoric,as our first and last line of defence ? For all practical purposes, most Muslims & their corrupt,well-funded, hate-swollen supporters in the Western world, are enemy combatants.A major shift in Jewish communal resources away from fashionable advocacy of 'human-rights', 'social-justice' and forcible 'equality' causes has become an existential imperative. A far superior, pro-active strategy is obvious and "do-able". It will be 'messy' and risky. But that which demands nothing is worth nothing. Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada. Google on WEB, Norman Roth, Markets or Norman Roth, Economics
Refer to Barry Rubin Reports,June 04, 2010: "Hamas flotilla organizer Bulent Yildirim explains; Jihadist operation, not humanitarian".
As if we needed Bulent to tell us! The aggressive & calculated injection of Turkey's born-again Islamicists into the witches brew of the "palestinian" hoax is a sinister but not unexpected development. But "palestine" is now,indisputably,the most lucrative & successful demographic-propaganda scam of the last half-century.
We Jews in the Americas should not delude ourselves into an "it can't happen here" attitude.We must anticipate a co-ordinated step-up of aggressive activity by Islamicist operatives & their well-funded 'activist' henchmen right here in the U.S.& Canada; At "STREET-LEVEL"..Directed at our softest targets of course. How "co-ordinated" are we ? 'Think that outraged media rhetoric & academic-style argument will impress them?
By the way folks. There was a battle between Turkish troops & Kurdish nationalists a few days ago. The Turks admitted to "six killed". Also, an Italian Catholic bishop,a diplomatic representative of the Holy See in Ankara, was assassinated by a Turkish Islamicist several days ago. Every day events in the Muslim orient. But just mere "co-incidence" ? Anybody in the media notice it ? Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada. GOOGLE: Norman Roth, Economics
Refer to Aruta Sheva news: June 06, 2010
"Egyptian lawyers file suit against Israel"
Could this be the same Egypt whose highest court upheld the legality of female genital circumcision several years ago ? Where a legally condoned "wink-wink-nudge-nudge" attitude accompanies every act of rape, ritual mutilation, forced conversion, dispossession & outright murder of Egypt's aboriginal religious community..the Coptic Christians.Not to mention their rather ambivalent attitude toward crucifixion as a judicially condoned punishment.Not to mentioned its frequent 'ad-hoc' practice.Many documented cases in Egypt-Sudan & Saudi Arabia. But the drums of imminent annihilation are beating for the Copts in their ancient homeland.The Muslim brotherhood-Hamas parties, the not-so-invisible empire which governs every Egyptian institution, has warned them: "When the Mubarak dynasty goes, you "go" too. ...Armenian style. Any of you "activists" or their Christian co-religionists give a damn ? What no conspicuous, orchestrated & Saudi-Iranian funded "protests" ?
Just for the record folks..and easily documented: The so-called "palestinians" of Gaza are Egyptians by any reasonable ethnic, demographic or linguistic criteria. Although their actual numbers remain a carefully guarded secret.Their numbers have been estimated from 700,000 to 1,500,000. No doubt their nomadic sloshing back & forth between Egypt & Gaza depends on the current supply of international welfare contributions (a.k.a. "humanitarian-aid"). But so what.Hell,folks. Any Muslim can get to be a "palestinian". e.g. noted Egyptian pedophile, Yasser Arafat,Edward Said etc. That sort of economic-work "ethos" is bred-in-the-bone throughout the Muslim orient.The worst is yet to come...for Egypt. Norman L. Roth,
GOOGLE, Norman Roth, Economics or : Norman Roth, Markets
Sept. 05, 2010,Elder of Ziyon
"Egyptian state media ..picture to shame El Baradei"
This seemingly trivial, but ominous report,is closely related to the Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood party's current decision-making hiatus; And the Mubarak regime's desperate stalling for time to put off the throwing El Baradei to Egypt's real pharoahs, because of his "Christian connections"? ? Or should the Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood deliver the "coup de grace" now; Before Mubarak is officially "departed" ?
With dreadful repercussions for Egypt's seven million Coptic Christians. The Obama administration's hallucinations about the "palestinian" -Israeli 'peace-process' is a mere distraction compared to what could happen in poor old Misr [Egypt]. Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada. GOOGLE on WEB: Norman Roth, Economics, or Norman Roth, Technos
"Worse than a crime, It's a blunder" & "We are dealing with intellectually structured blindness"...Rubin Report, Dec. 25, 2010. See May 15 & June 04, 2010, above.
These insights are especially distressing; Because they are more applicable to the behavioral patterns of North American Jewry than to unwise foreign policy decisions for the "middle-east"..Actually the Moslem orient, to finally avoid an entrenched journalistic euphemism.
After six-decades plus, of our talents,energies,and money, ritually lavished on "social justice", "human-rights","Holocaust awareness" and "equality" causes, what is there to show for any of it? We Jews on the North American continent have made ourselves "naked to our enemies" and a laughing stock among our many potential allies, at home and abroad. An "agonizing re-appraisal" of the self-destructive misdirection of our energies, talents & "throw-money-at-'em" strategies is long overdue. No amount of "education", "reasoning" or "explanation", much less pandering to their well-founded hopelessness, can silence the tom-toms that are thundering away inside their heads.What catastrophe will wake us up? We should be carrying the fight to our enemies with a pro-active & well planned strategic offensive. Our options are many. What we lack is not the capabilities: But the will to sweep away our fantasies and "street"-level. We have no other choices. Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada, GOOGLE on WEB (chrome)(1) Norman Roth on Economics or (2) Norman Roth, Markets
Dec. 31, 2010, See relevant June 06 & Sept.05, 2010 posts above: Wikileaks, "Egypt still sees Israel as main enemy" & "Egyptian General..Defence of Sinai Egypt's main mission".
While these 'revelations are scarcely "news",what is very revealing is Egypt's permanent anxieties about Israel's legitimate bitterness about being forced to hand-over Sinai no less than three times.After Israel successfully
repelled four acts of war by her Moslem-Arab 'neighbors'..The most infamous 'squeeze' being the Carter-Brzezinski "diktat" of 1979.The 1967 and 1973 wars, which led to Israel's continued & legitimate possession of Sinai were just as exterminationist in intent as in 1948-49: Sample proclamation, 1947-48. "There will be a momentous massacre. A war of extermination which will be spoken of with the crusades & the Mongolian massacres".&:"There are over one million Jews in Arab lands.There lives will be forfeit if the Jews do this thing".(i.e.Unilateral Declaration of Independence)Secretary General of the Arab League:Repeated ad nauseam by almost all other Islamic leaders, 1947-48.The most important(strategic?)omission by the 'Egyptian general'? The ticking time bomb of Moslem Brotherhood/Hamas intentions against the authentically aboriginal Coptic Christians of Egypt, Once the Mubaraks meet their maker or flee to where their assets live.Only about 6-9 million people folks. Anybody give a damn ?.Could there be a connection between the two not so separate issues evolve in 2011?
GOOGLE, (1)Norman Roth on Economics (2)Norman Roth, Markets
Jan.12, 2O11: Refer to "Daniel Pipes column, Media distortion about Israel-One Example" & Dec. 25 & May 15 2010 posts above.
It's an authentic "mugs'game" for the Jewish community of North America & Europe to be forever playing the role of plodding reactive "straight-man" to even the most bizarre propaganda fabrications of the Islamic world & their well-funded lib-left mascots in every nook & cranny of our own nations'institutions.Here's a modest proposal for a "take the fight to the enemy" strategy. Hint: Either Confucious or Sun T'zu (the real father of strategic thinking) was supposed to have said "One picture (image)is worth a thousand words"..Get it folks ? Words, especially our plodding,academic-journalistic - reactive style,have a very limited shelf-life.Images linger at every level of human consciousness.Ask (in spirit)the mostly Jewish creators of the movie industry.We don't have to fabricate any horrific images of Muslim behavior over the last century.They've performed countless "examples" for us:In public.There's no end to authentic documented imagery of Islam's everyday grande guignole. My personal (albeit nauseous)'favorites': (1)Film taken in 1958 of the deposition of the Hashemite KIngdom of Iraq's Royal family. Featuring shots of Saddam himself.But not for the faint of heart.It gives new and enriched meaning to "drive-thru". (2)Footage of an F.G.M. procedure taken (proudly) by a Moslem photographer in East Africa in the late 1990's. Cast of hundreds.(3)Thousands of feet of archival footage of otherwise underoccupied mobs in various North African venues,performing bodily mutilations in public as retribution against their "cruel" recently ejected "colonial oppressors".(4)Film of the Armenian genocide:And on and on a la nausee..Do we lack: Skills in [1]Archival film collection ? [2]Editing?[3]Producing & directing talent ? [4] Financing? [5]Strategic media distribution skills ? Aren't we 'Elders of Ziyon' on the American continent supposed to control the entire media universe? If only...! We Haven't even scratched the surface. They've done it all for us. And continue to do so. Let's do something & stop our knee-jerk debating-society 'rebuttal" act! Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada. GOOGLE on WEB: Norman Roth on Economics (2)Norman Roth, Markets
"Will Israel be able to take back the Sinai?" Elder of Ziyon, Feb. 04,2011:Please read posts of March 16, 2010, June 06,2010 & Dec.31, 2010 above. Does anybody remember the sequence of events in Misr's 'revolution' of 1952?
[1]The Adiposely obese teetotaling, gold-trading(Albanian)King Farouk, fled to where most of his assets were & left behind the world's largest collection of silk shirts, porn & miniature model railways.He subsequently took up residence on the Isle of Capri,only to keel over his dining table following a day of non-stop gluttony in his favorite hotel.(1965} A Sudanese-born general, Mohammed Naguib, became the provisional president of Misr. One year later Gamal al Nasser brushed him aside and became a traditional style boss-man of that hapless nation. The rest is 'history' as they say.All subsequent wars between Israel & Egypt were preceded by the massing of troops along the frontier with Israel followed by acts of war initiated by Egypt.Nasser & his cronies were notorious for constantly hurling racial abuse at the far more capable Anwar Sadat.The details not fit for our ears even now. Nasser was not a regular oppressor of the aboriginal Coptic Christians. Will Egypt be as 'lucky' now? Norman L. Roth, Toronto,Canada. GOOGLE on WEB[chrome] Norman Roth,Technos or Norman Roth, Markets
April 03, 2011: Elder of Ziyon: "..El Baradei says he'll go to war..over Gaza".Also see Sept. 05, 2010 post above.
Does any one remember the words(circa 1939)of Orde Charles Wingate,one of the creators of Zahal,during the Mandate period ? "Islam is in a state of decadence.Mad societies, they will one day, turn the world upside down.If they get the upper-hand their only instinct will be to annihilate their adversaries":Or William Buckley's prophesy in August of 1987 about the sad-sick career of Kurt Waldheim in the u.n. "Waldheim was happy in the company of men and women (e.g.Quebec's Louise Arbour, ex-"commissioner of their 'human-rights' council)who participate in the activity of the most concentrated center of hypocrisy, ever convened for a protracted period in the history of mankind.The only institution one can think of offhand that would sit idly by & perhaps even applaud another Holocaust is the united nations"..."I spent three months there in 1973 as a U.S.delegate.It was like viewing the Protocols of Zion as a daily serial". What will the present incumbent in the Oval Office do when the u.n. "sits idly by" its fourth holocaust,that is being faced by the pre-Moslem aboriginal Coptic Christians of Egypt? Norman L. Roth, Toronto,Canada. GOOGLE on WEB,chrome:(1)Norman Roth,Economic theory(2)Norman Roth,Technos (3)Norman Roth on Economics
May,11, 2011, ICJS Research, Gil Troy:From Jerusalem Post: "Why won't [those who are] pro-Israeli admit they are Zionists?"
Good question in its own context. But,if we rephrase it to:"Why won't [those who are]anti-Israel admit they aren't exactly a "pro Israel lobby"..We then have a uniquely Canadian context.e.g."Think American..It is the Netanyahu-Lieberman coalition that is alienating 'world sympathy' for Israel" or:"The burden is now on Israel to demonstrate its good faith".Now for the Icing on the cake.."J-Street and [New Israel fund]are the new left of center critical PRO-Israel lobby"..."Instead of seeing it [J-Street] as a danger to Israel,
Jewish leaders should see it as harnessing liberal forces supporting Israel".."a joint endeavor to live in peace with the "palestinians".How about a real 'leadership' endorsement to end it all! "Rick Jacobs [??]..holds a leadership position in J-Street & the "New Israel Fund".."He's an "ardent Zionist".Think these are admonishments from Thomas Friedman or Roger Cohen at the New York Times? Maybe they're the contents of a bulletin from "Human Rights' Watch" or a column from the Guardian? Or UNESCO? Think again.This stuff is from Canada's "official Jewish [weekly] news media"..the Canadian Jewish News.Including a long letter from "Co-chair,Canadian Friends of Peace Now" and a well known columnist of rabbinical provenance.Care to object all you "vilifiers of the obscurantist right"? And seekers of "an unholy alliance between Israeli Jews and American evangelicals" ? Not in their pages you won't!The "world turned upside down" indeed! Norman L. Roth,Toronto, Canada.GOOGLE on WEB:
(1)Norman Roth, Origins of Markets
(2)Norman Roth,Technos (3)Norman Roth,Economist
June 17,2011,"u.n. votes for protection of gay rights"
Of all Muslim behavioral patterns,the most globally ubiquitous and revealing is their schizoid hypocrisy in dealing with homosexuality.As anyone who has ever travelled in Islamic lands during the last two centuries can tell you, their is nothing more unnerving than being agressively solicited, both in-yer-face,and in "wink-wink-nudge-nudge" fashion by platoons of under-age male prostitutes.Often with their middle-aged pimp-overseers in plain sight.Indeed,the easy availability of catamites has been casually accepted as a privilege of power for centuries,from Kabul to Casablanca and all points north and south.The wealth of notorious examples is legion! Yet the official Islamic attitude toward the practice is usually one of savage indignation and barbarous punishment.Indeed,we challenge our readers to try and get any honest data on the prevalence of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases from any level of Muslim governance.The Muslim countries of the North African littoral seem especially sensitive on the subject.Perhaps the u.n.'s "world health organization" can enlighten us.Maybe their universally despised "human rights council" can explain how they intend to enforce any "protection for gays" in those free-falling madlands. Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada GOOGLE on the WEB: [1]Norman L. Roth, Markets [2]Norman L. Roth on Economics [3]Norman L. Roth, Technos
June 17,2011,"u.n. votes for protection of gay rights"
Of all Muslim behavioral patterns,the most globally ubiquitous and revealing is their schizoid hypocrisy in dealing with homosexuality.As anyone who has ever travelled in Islamic lands during the last two centuries can tell you, their is nothing more unnerving than being agressively solicited, both in-yer-face,and in "wink-wink-nudge-nudge" fashion by platoons of under-age male prostitutes.Often with their middle-aged pimp-overseers in plain sight.Indeed,the easy availability of catamites has been casually accepted as a privilege of power for centuries,from Kabul to Casablanca and all points north and south.The wealth of notorious examples is legion! Yet the official Islamic attitude toward the practice is usually one of savage indignation and barbarous punishment.Indeed,we challenge our readers to try and get any honest data on the prevalence of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases from any level of Muslim governance.The Muslim countries of the North African littoral seem especially sensitive on the subject.Perhaps the u.n.'s "world health organization" can enlighten us.Maybe their universally despised "human rights council" can explain how they intend to enforce any "protection for gays" in those free-falling madlands. Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada GOOGLE on the WEB: [1]Norman L. Roth, Markets [2]Norman L. Roth on Economics [3]Norman L. Roth, Technos
Aug.01,2011:JIHAD WATCH-"As soon as the[Breivik] atrocity happened
..the 'left' saw it as a heaven-sent opportunity to smear mainstream conservatives.." And here in the Greater Toronto Area, home to over half a million Muslims,the academic & media lefties were "faster than a speeding bullet" getting their own agenda into their comfortably "mainstream" ink 'n print media.Sample:Toronto GLOBE,August 01,2011:Panel discussion 'LOOKING into the MIND of a MASS KILLER':
Jon Cole,"teacher of psychology" from the University of Liverpool says:"If a mental health worker hears someone espousing grievances toward a[democratically elected ?]
government for allowing in too many immigrants,that information
should be reported upwards.If local police report that this person is acquiring firearms [registered legally?]someone can put the two pieces together.The risk has gone from idle banter to having the means & the capability to do something".
The new post soviet -Kommissars ? "Slouching towards Bethlehem to be born" ?
Norman L. Roth, Toronto Canada
GOOGLE on the WEB:[1]Norman L. Roth on Economics [2]Norman L. Roth, Markets [3]Telos & Technos
CAROLINE GLICK, "The Zionist Imperative" Jan. 28,2012:Please re-read above posts of [1]May 15,2010[[2]June 04 2010[3]Dec.25,2010[4]Jan.12,2011[May 11,2011.
Mme Glick may as well have entitled her wake-up-call to North American Jews:"Why are you bleeding on everybody elses battlefields except your own" ?
The supineness & strategic disfunction of "Official" Jewry on our continent,barely the tip of the iceberg showing in the above posts, have made us a laughing stock in the only places that count. But the beginnings of an action-oriented strategic turn-around,lie in the unappetizing behavioral patterns of our enemies, both within and up-front. And the default attitudes of the majority society among whom we live. Reality:Most of us do not lose any sleep over what we view as the conflicts & threats to others,no matter how close at hand.That's an obvious strategic apportunity to healthy-minded folk.Not a cause for moralistic hand-wringing,frenetic explanations of our own behavior & non-stop self-recriminations.Let alone the sweaty apologists in the official Jewish media & among so many of our institutional "leaders":
Who grovel before our up-front enemies & their well-funded lib-left mascots at every opportunity.As if the reality of human conflict is merely a debating society to be turned into "careers" among those who have little else to do.Most human beings are thoroughly absorbed by or own affairs. That's real opportunity for strategic action!We don't tend to notice what's happening around us: Unless they threaten us directly.Or their permanent behaviorial patterns are perceived as such.But decisive events on the ground,especially at the local level,immediately engage our attention. Especially when those most threatened initiate & control them.Unless we recognize the vulnerability of our enemies & their even more repugnant mascots on our own doorsteps,we'll remain highly vulnerable laughing stocks .The pro-active remedies will be painful & messy:But deeply fulfilling.Expensive
and time consuming:But well worth the effort in terms of the damage,exposure & humiliation it inflicts on our enemies.And it will attract the only allies who count.It will achieve wonders in evaporating the constant bickering & exchanges of abuse over trivia, that wastes so much of our formidable energies & talents.And mightily increase our own confidence.We have no other choice.Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada,GOOGLE:[1]Norman Roth, Economics theory[2]Norman Roth, Economist[3] Telos technos
Feb.02 2012:WASHINGTON POST MIDDLE EAST NEWS:"Melee left at least 74 dead,hundreds wounded".
Re-read posts of June 06 2010 & Dec.25,2010,especially:"The tom-toms that are thundering away inside their heads..What catastrophe will wake us up"?This something far worse than the standard "soccer hooliganism" of continental Europe & the U.K.
Not that such events are any surprise in Egypt's neighborhood! BUT: If this is what THEY do to each other, what can anyone else expect from them ? Especially the 8 million + Coptic Christians:Who are trapped in THEIR ancestral homeland.Which belongs to them far more than to Egypt's 70 million "Johnny come-lately"moslems.Who are invasive,uninvited & unhinged newcomers in terms of poor old MISR's 5000 year old civilized history.One thing is almost certain. Hundreds of millions of their co-religionists in nearby Europe couldn't care less.Not to mention the Obama administration.Which has done nothing but faun on the maniacal successors to the hapless Mubarak regime since early 2009. When they already controlled from within almost all of Egypt's key institutions.But,THEY have the indisputable & overwhelming suppoert of 75% of the Egyptian people.It is THEY,who have democratically chosen to 'otherize" themselves in this way.Sound familiar? e.g.Hamas, the TALIBAN etc.We will soon see if there are any limits to their sad-masochistic frenzy.Islam made them what they are to-day.
Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada.GOOGLE [1]Norman Roth, Economic theory[2]Norman L. Roth, Origins of Markets[3]Telos technos
Feb.17,2012,UN WATCH:"56 Islamic states slam gays for abnormal..[They]urge silence on anti-gay violence". Please read again our post of June 17 2011.It's the key to what follows.
It's behaviour like this that undoes the followers of "mainstream" Islam[not 'marginal' or 'extremist']when they appeal for acceptance and cooperation to the rest of humanity.It's also an ominous symptom of hypocrisy & sado-masochism,so deeply embedded in their nature,that a hard-nosed strategy of pro-active self-preservation is all that's left to us,in dealing with them.Especially in Europe,the Indian sub-continent and the Americas.The Jewish communities should be leading the way with a program of internally generated mobilization of our very considerable human and materiel resources.Especially in North America.But in our own way,we seem almost as blind to the peril that confronts us,as Muslims & their de-facto "dhimmi" mascots are blind to the monstrosities which they have devolved into.Are the Muslims among us right in anticipating no effective response from us? Maybe we're the hopeless ones...Until ? Norman L. Roth, Toronto,Canada. GOOGLE:[1]Norman Roth,Economics,[2]Norman Roth, technos [3]Norman L. Roth,Origins of Markets
"The martyrdom of Avigdor Lieberman" by Stephen Plaut,Dec. 16,2012
The American "soul-mates" of all those hypocritical lefties in Israel,who wallow in the muck of Avigdor Lieberman's 'conflict of interest' problems,should take a good hard look in the mirror. Their own cover-up skills, with respect to the pre-presidential career of Brack Obama,mask a far more sinister record of anti-transparency and abuse of philanthropic generosity, than the comparatively amateurish Israeli graftmeisters could ever conjure up.We are of course referring to the long suppressed & possibly annihilated records of the Walter Annenberg foundation's 'mislaid'
funds: Which were supposed to be directed towards "improving the academic performance" of Chicago's underpriveleged children,almost all of them from Obama's "core demographic" support.."Advisor" David Axelrod's terminology.It seems that the Obama couple's "mentor" Rev.'Jeremiah'[??] Wright,might have received an "unaudited" donation out of this philanthropy,towards his own not so righteous housing needs: While Obama and his murderous buddy Wm.Ayres,were key members of the board that controlled the dispersion of funds.Any-body got the guts to pursue this matter? Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada.GOOGLE: [1]Norman Roth, Economics of Technology: [2] Norman L. Roth, Origins of Markets
May 31, 2014
"Point of No Return, A Schoolboy's Vivid Memories of the Farhud"...Mesopotamia [former "Iraq"] June 1941.
What is there about this account of the typical behavioural patterns of Muslims,en masse,that seems so tediously familiar ? And all so predictable! The "Farhuds" have globalized since 1941 into the 9-11s,Toulouse,2012, Brussels, May 2014: And on and on ad nauseam. It confirms over & over again the prescient understanding of the great Orde Charles Wingate, circa 1939:
"Islam is in a state of decadence. Mad societies, they will one day, turn the world upside down. Whenever they get the upper hand, there only instinct will be to annihilate their adversaries".
Is it not time to recognize the obvious ? This state of affairs exposes THEM to the consequences of their own irremediable failure & utter lack of capability to manage their own affairs to even the most elementary levels of civilized restraint. It is we,the Jews of North America and Europe, who have the clearest opportunity, motivation and capabilities, to directly confront THEM and their pathetic camp-followers in the ranks of junk academe,& their bought-off Dr. Dementos of the media, clergy and the u.n. We must stop yapping away at each other over irrelevancies that cause no sensible person any loss of sleep. We have no other choice.
Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada.
Please GOOGLE: [1] Origins of Markets, Norman Roth [2]Economics of Technos, Norman Roth [3] TELOS & TECHNOS, Roth
July 18, 2014."
Refer to ARETZ SHEVA, "Abbas in Turkey ,Urges approval of.."
Scroll back to BARRY RUBIN Reports
June 04,2010,"HAMAS FLOTILLA"
It's hard to believe! But is Turkey eager to reprise her role as champion of the "palestinian" occupants of Gaza? Or perhaps pull-off an up-graded version of what they did to the Greeks on Cyprus in 1974? With little or no resistance from Greece's feckless left wing government of that time? And this comes from a nation that has more legitimate grievances & historic land claims against it than any other place on earth.
e.g. The Kurds, Armenians, the Greeks etc. If you don't believe this,just try calling Turkey's largest city, CONSTANTINOPLE. Or its capitol ANGORA; Or identify "Izmir" by its real name, SMYRNA. Or refer to "Hagia" Sophia as SANCT Sophia.Or draw the boundaries of 2,500 year old historic Armenia...In a Turkish geography class.These behavioural patterns have nothing to do with the rich culture,ethnic characteristics,superb warrior traditions and wonderful cuisine of the Turkish people per se. They've got everything to do with what the content of the Muslim faith did to their psyches. President Erdogan himself is a perfect example. He even wants his people to reconsider the great Kemal Ataturk's secularization of his country & his designation of Islam as an agent of backwardness.
Norman L. Roth, Toronto, Canada.
Please GOOGLE:
[1] norman roth economics of technology [2]norman roth economics of technos [3] norman roth, origins of markets
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