Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carter goes looking for loot in Jeddah

From the Arab News, Monday 26 October 2009, by Roger Harrison:

Shnorrer: ‘We cannot have peace without justice’
photo by Roger Harrison

JEDDAH: Former US President Jimmy Carter visited Jeddah on Saturday to share his vision of the future .....“Everybody’s talking about peace, but we cannot have peace without justice,” he said

...Carter described some of the activities of the Carter Center... He noted that since he was free of political office he could go where he chooses and say what he wants. ... there are not many people who are free to move as we (the Carter Center) ...” he said.

Carter said that he had faith and confidence in the moral values of President Barack Obama and that he was well aware of the tremendous pressures on him by interest groups in the US.

Offering a glimpse of the way the Carter Center worked ... he said; “We try to provide an alternative voice to some of those groups. I have free access to President Obama and his advisers and we continue to pursue the goal of the US taking leadership to bring about the dream of peace.”

[I wonder which "interest groups" he's talking about? - SL]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am delighted that Ex-President Carter, is now able to "speak freely." The "Interest Groups," he is referring to are full blown AMERICANS, legally, but apparently, he seems to "single out," their right of expression.

The Arab Peoples should beware, of those of his ilk, Jews are but the beginning. Those who would see the "Justice" of seeing Israel destroyed, and the Jewish Peoples "disappeared," are not any fonder of the Arab Peoples, and it something that the Arab Leaders should consider. Jews, as a people simply,do not "do,", nor, will EVER, do genocide,nor human rights violations of Any people - forget the misrepresentation by frustrated Arab citizens.

Middle Eastern Peoples are MEANT, to co-habit in peace, eventually. It would be profoundly sad, to see other peoples in the area being manipulated, by would-be anti-semites, to serve their own purposes - it sure is NOT, for the love or concern for Arab culture, the development of Arab society, or its Peoples.