Saturday, June 20, 2009

Two-state double standard

From a New York Daily News Editorial, Wednesday, June 17th 2009:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stepped up this week and accepted the idea of a Palestinian state as part of a Mideast peace settlement. His good deed did not go unpunished.

In return for envisioning "two people ... side by side in amity and mutual respect," Netanyahu was branded, in far too many corners, as an obstacle to peace for placing what were called "conditions" on his offer.

Chief among them was a call for Palestinian demilitarization and "public, binding and unequivocal" Palestinian recognition that Israel is "the state of the Jewish people."

How dare he insist on the very survival of his country!

The negative responses to Netanyahu's outstretched hand show how dangerously and successfully the Palestinians have waged the propaganda war to portray Israel as an oppressor rather than the target of a relentless campaign to wipe it off the map.

...the chief Palestinian negotiator ran away from the idea of negotiating with Netanyahu, declaring that the prime minister's security concerns made it impossible even to consider discussions. Get it? If it doesn't make Israel more vulnerable, Saeb Erekat doesn't want to talk about it.

Meanwhile, President Obama continued the wobbliness he has shown since his Cairo speech. Saying he detected only "some positive movement" in Netanyahu's address, Obama placed both sides on an extraordinarily imbalanced moral scale: Israel was responsible for halting settlements that irk the Palestinians, while the Palestinians were responsible for an "end to violence" against Israel.

Oh, that.

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