Sunday, May 25, 2008

Israel never pledged withdrawal from Golan

From Haaretz, 22/05/2008:

Jerusalem never pledged to withdraw from the Golan Heights and return to the 1967 borders as part of peace negotiations with Syria despite the declarations of officials in Damascus, Israeli sources said Thursday in an interview with Channel 10.

...A source in the Prime Minister's Office on Wednesday denied the Syrian assertion, saying: "During the talks Israel did not make any preliminary promises on the Golan Heights and did not refer to the promises made by Rabin." He was referring to a 1994 promise Rabin made to U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher, that if Syria met Israel's security conditions, Israel would withdraw from the Golan Heights.

A recent survey found that about two-thirds of Israelis object to withdrawing from the Golan Heights even for peace with Syria - more than those who object to dividing Jerusalem for ending the conflict with the Arab world.

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