Sunday, April 02, 2006

Protocols of the Elders of Harvard (and Chicago)

Also see the following postings on the same subject:


DaoDDBall said...

I'm a Sydney public high school teacher. A lebanese ethnic student of mine, in casual class discussion repeated some of the stupid things he'd heard from supposedly responsible media (and family):

Jews responsible for WTC terror strike.
Jews exterminating Palestinians.
Jews working with US to oppress.
Jews responsible for Lebanese civil war.
plus so much more.

I casually asked if he was happy with Syria's work in Lebanon .. turned out he was.
Thing is, the 'left' have been embarrassed over their positioning in international affairs, so that many elaborate stories need to be contrived to allow face saving.

Conservatives have contributed much towards peace that has been claimed by the left. In many cases, the left have opposed peace. I think it important that such political jockeying be exposed. It is incumbent on us to report history sensitively and responsibly, so that when an adult tells kids a rhetoric they can oppose it on grounds of balance, if not the experience they've not had time to have.

I think it important that those with whom we negotiate a peaceful future not use our political jockeying as a wedge to limit our effectiveness. Many professors don't seem to follow that argument ..

DaoDDBall said...

I'm a Sydney public high school teacher. A lebanese ethnic student of mine, in casual class discussion repeated some of the stupid things he'd heard from supposedly responsible media (and family):

Jews responsible for WTC terror strike.
Jews exterminating Palestinians.
Jews working with US to oppress.
Jews responsible for Lebanese civil war.
plus so much more.

I casually asked if he was happy with Syria's work in Lebanon .. turned out he was.
Thing is, the 'left' have been embarrassed over their positioning in international affairs, so that many elaborate stories need to be contrived to allow face saving.

Conservatives have contributed much towards peace that has been claimed by the left. In many cases, the left have opposed peace. I think it important that such political jockeying be exposed. It is incumbent on us to report history sensitively and responsibly, so that when an adult tells kids a rhetoric they can oppose it on grounds of balance, if not the experience they've not had time to have.

I think it important that those with whom we negotiate a peaceful future not use our political jockeying as a wedge to limit our effectiveness. Many professors don't seem to follow that argument ..