Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Hamas against the world

From Ynet News 110/4/06 by Sever Plocker . . .

The sooner Israel and the world bring down Hamas, the better it will be for everyone

Relations between the Palestinian Authority and the rest of the world seem to be headed for a head-on collision. . . The . . .intention is to cause complete chaos in the PA that would then force President Mahmoud Abbas to disband parliament and call new elections.

.... the U.S. administration and Congress have cut off commercial, economic and foreign aid . . .European Union ...senior officials have refused monetary aid and have broken economic or diplomatic ties with official and semi-official PA institutions, and international aid organizations have quietly begun pulling their workers out of PA areas and halting many joint activities with the PA.

...Israeli banks have announced they would stop providing services to Palestinian banks...because of laws prohibiting money laundering that could finance terrorism. The large Arab banks, including some that served the Palestinian Authority in the past, "disengaged" from the Palestinians even before the Israeli ones. In this situation, it's not just that the Palestinian treasury is empty. It has no treasury.

At the same time Israel has upped its military pressure on Hamas and expanded the attacks and targeted assassinations (including, but not limited to, in response to the onslaught of Qassam rockets). These attacks are meant not only to prevent the restoration of a severely limited terrorist infrastructure, but also to send a clear message to the new Palestinian administration: From Israel's perspective, Hamas remains a terrorist organization, period..

... there is an Iran-like administration gaining ground in the PA....The real rulers are the security and terror organizations, who themselves are subservient to highly secrete authorities... If it can manage to hold on to power long enough to create a manageable economic reality, get rid of Fatah activists, give out jobs to party supporters and to win a minimum of international and Arab recognition, it will be able to position itself as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people for years to come.

The earlier Israel and the international community work to bring down the Hamas government, the better it will be for everyone. Hamas must not be allowed to function, or even raise its head.

Preventing the Iranization of the Palestinian Authority is not just an Israeli interest. It is an interest of the entire Middle East, and of the entire world. The Hamas revolution will not stop at the border crossings of Gaza and the West Bank.

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