Saturday, August 13, 2005

How 'bout it... you feelin' the Peace yet?

From - How 'bout it... you feelin' the Peace yet?: "This Week in Islam" Weekly Column for 8/15/05 (thanks to Hellush for alerting us to this site - it's a no-holds-barred critique of Islamo-fascism, definitely worth a look - they have a detailed list of terrorist actions since 9/11)...

Anyone who thinks that 'occupation' is never successful needs to pay more attention to the Middle East, where the Arab occupation of lands outside the Saudi peninsula is comfortably in its fourteenth century. This includes Iraq, of course, where the indigenous Assyrian population has been ground under the heel of Islam for so long that it's a wonder there are any left alive - particularly after the massacres of the early 20th century in which 3 out of 4 Assyrians were slaughtered.

Obviously, Muslims enjoy breathtaking hypocrisy on the issue of occupation. On the one hand, it is considered quite appropriate for their own warriors to spread Islam by the sword, invading, raping, and subjugating other people to collect the jizya (tax on infidels) and relegate native populations to miserable third-class status.

On the other hand, when a foreign power uses its might to topple a brutal dictator (responsible for the deaths of over a million Muslims) and provide an Arab people with civil rights and political freedom well, somehow that's considered immoral.


What is it about Islam that clouds one's judgment and fosters such ridiculous bigotry?

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