Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pope Pius XII: anti-Semite and moral coward

This concise summary, from JPost, 10/03/2010, by SHMULEY BOTEACH, is essential reading:

Eugenio Pacelli, alias Pius XII - anti-Semite, mass kidnapper, moral coward and prospective "Catholic saint"

...Pius was, of course, the man who, as cardinal secretary of state, became the first statesman, in 1933, to sign an agreement with the man he called “the illustrious Hitler,” sending him a letter expressing his confidence in his leadership. His concordat with Hitler forced the Catholic Center Party into dissolution, not only removing the last obstacle to Hitler’s goal of absolute power in Germany but also destroying any further resistance by Germany’s Catholic bishops to the Nazis.

He was the pope who famously refused, amid unmistakable evidence of thousands of Jews being shipped to slaughter in Nazi concentration camps, to ever speak out against the Holocaust. This followed Pius’s successful efforts to prevent the publication of an encyclical commissioned by his dying predecessor to condemn Nazi anti-Semitism. This is also the pope who sent Hitler birthday greetings every single year and who refused to excommunicate Hitler or any other top Nazis who were on official Catholic rolls (to give this context, the singer Sinead O’Connor was excommunicated).

He ignored the pleas of president Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill to denounce the Nazis. He later refused to endorse a joint declaration by Britain, the US and Russia condemning mass murder of Europe’s Jews, claiming that he simply could not condemn “particular” atrocities. The most he ever did was a single pronouncement during the war on the murder “of hundreds of thousands.” By then, of course, there were millions, and he did not mention Hitler, Nazi Germany or the Jews in the statement.

Most infamously, he was silent when the Germans rounded up Rome’s Jews in October 1944 for slaughter. They were being processed for extermination in a military school a few hundred yards from his window in St. Peter’s. An Italian princess, Enza Pignatelli, forced her way into the pope’s study and warned him about the imminent assault on the city’s Jewish citizens. “You must act immediately,” she cried. “The Germans are arresting the Jews and taking them away. Only you can stop them.” The pope assured her, “I will do all I can.” He made no protest and nearly all were later gassed in Auschwitz. Curiously, amid the pope’s inability to find his voice to condemn the extermination of European Jewry, when the Catholic archbishop of Berlin issued a statement mourning Hitler’s death, the pope did not reprimand him.

AUTHOR JOHN Cornwell unearths letters from Pius’s early career in Germany which reveals a stubborn, even distasteful disposition toward Jews. While papal nuncio in Germany, Pius refused to perform favors for the Jewish community on the flimsiest of grounds and describes the Munich chapter of the German Communist Party as being filthy and full of Jews. Pius refers derisively to “a group of young women, of dubious appearance, Jews like all the rest of them” and he describes communist leader Max Levien as a Jew, “pale, dirty, with drugged eyes, hoarse voice, vulgar, repulsive...”

Perhaps this would explain why, in one of the greatest acts of mass-kidnapping in history, Pius, in 1946, instructed the French Church to refuse the return of entire classes of Jewish children who were entrusted to the Church for safekeeping during the Holocaust if they had already been baptized. [Also see this and this - SL]

Now, if, as the Church maintains, Pius is being falsely maligned by his critics as a pious fraud and moral coward who disgraced a great world religion, then why doesn’t the Vatican fix the error by simply opening its archives on his pontificate that would reveal Pius’s correspondence and actions during the war?

It has thus far released a very select and carefully scrubbed collection of wartime documents that reveal next to nothing about the Church’s interactions with the Third Reich.

There is a comical element to this debate, which would be more humorous if it weren’t so tragic. It involves Pius’s defenders arguing that he purposefully refrained from condemning the Holocaust because the Jews would have fared even worse had the pope spoken out.

Worse than the Holocaust? Now that’s [not] funny.


Gabriel Wilensky said...

Pope Pius XII was not jusy a priest: he was the leader of a giant transnational organization with reach in all the theatres of war and with relative freedom of speech. He was the self-avowed moral authority for hundreds of millions of people, and as such he could and should have done a lot more than he did. The Catholic Church had the ears and hearts of many millions of Catholics worldwide, including those members of the SS, the police battallions and the German Army who were guilty of the most heinous crimes. There is no record of the Church making an injunction to Catholics to refrain from persecution and killing Jews. Period. There is no record of field priests telling the men who came back from an “Aktion” literally with the blood of dozens of Jews on their uniforms that what they had done that day was illegal, that it was a crime and a mortal sin. No injunction to refrain from doing the same the following day. No excommunications, or even a threat of excommunication. No one should be surprised if these soldiers and policemen, who had the motto “God with us” engraved on their belt buckles, went on killing given this implicit “green light” from their religious authorities. And no one should be surprised about this silence given the silence of Pope Pius XII.

Gabriel Wilensky

Six Million Crucifixions:
How Christian Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust
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Anonymous said...

Catholic Hitler was OLD school catholic,,, the real deal.....

Pope Pius XII ... SIGNED a contract with Catholic HITLER ...

This contract DEMANDED all Germanys Catholic BISHOPS

to SWEAR upon the Holy Gospels

& to SWEAR on God Almighty

Complete & total loYality to Catholic Hitler.....

Hitler an X convict… & a criminal, charged & convicted of trying to violently overthrow the old German Government wrote a whole book CONDEMNING the JEWS, declaring they should be persecuted & thrown out of society…

Hitler { in his book [ ~~spoke harshly against the CURRENT religions `actions / of Rome & of Protestants ~as well for being good to the Jews..& for not… CONTINUING ON…to persecute them as viciously & forcefully .. as THE CATHOLIC CHURCH…..HAD,,. been Persecuting & murdering the Jews for the last 2000 yrs

THE POPE *& vatican SIGNED A CONTRACT WITH catholic HITLER demanding.....


Simply ...& plainly read ART. 16 OF ….Hitler's Concordat with the Catholic Church 1933)

The POPE~Kissed ALLAH’s Quran, Declaring.~ALLAH../GOD.. of ..the bible & of .ALL chrisT~ians !

Here are the PHOTOS


ALL of these FACTS are DOCUMENTED.......catholics ^& muslims HOWEVER on the other hand......

rely on lies with no DOCCUMENTATION...

The catholic church WORSHIPS the same God as Muslims, The same God as Hitler & the same God as all who dispise the truth