From Times of Israel, 11 June 2015, by Irwin E. Blank:
...I want to thank the BDS folks all over the world for:
1) Providing Israeli products and services with millions of dollars of free advertising and publicity for identifying those goods, services and Israeli individuals, entertainers and cultural icons which might not have been known to the public at large and supporters of Israel can now demonstrate their love for the Jewish state by purchasing Israeli products, using Israeli services and paying for books, movies and theatre tickets of Israeli personalities.
2) Making themselves known to their local populations and across the media world for the anti-Semites they are and permitting those individuals and organizations dedicated to combating this evil hatred definite targets for lawsuits, counter boycotts and opening themselves up to the light of day when we know that the Sunlight is the greatest weapon against a virus.
3) By exposing their Jew hatred they have proven that anti-Semitism still exists and flourishes even decades after the Holocaust thereby renewing interest in fighting this form of bigotry.
4) By proving that anti-Israel demonstrations are, and have always been, inherently anti-Semitic regardless of the sophistry to the contrary. In the BDS assault on Israel’s “right to exist” the denigration of the Jewish people’s right to self-determination in its ancient homeland, thereby classifying Jews as something less than other people, is, without a doubt, the same philosophy used the the Nazis that declared Jews as “sub-human.” The comparison of the BDS movement today and the Nazi anti-Jewish boycott of the 1930s is clearly evident.
5) By forcing the closure of Israeli companies’ facilities in Judea and Samaria thereby inducing these businesses to relocate within the 1949 armistice lines, increases the employment opportunities for the native Israeli Arabs, Christians, Druse, Baha’i and others who live in the areas where these industries will relocate like the Galilee and the Negev Desert, where the employment rate among Israeli Arabs will definitely increase.
6) The closures and relocations of these companies and their factories from Judea and Samaria, will lead to thousands of “Palestinians” losing their employment and with that, the loss of the benefits that they earned while working for Israeli concerns-their health insurance, pension deposits and their monthly paychecks. In a way, the very people that the BDS movement wants to help, will get hurt the worst. This will only increase the emigration of these people, now at the rate of 15-20,000 per year, as they seek employment and a better standard of living abroad. Thank you BDS for helping Israel solve the “demographic” problem.
7) By forcing foreign companies to cease their business with Israel will compel homegrown industry and technology to replace those items and services no longer available here. This will lead to a boost in Israeli creativity and further enhance the “Start Up Nation” to greater heights and bring in more venture capital thereby strengthening, not weakening, the local economy. in effect, the continuing boycott of Israel has created the very atmosphere of self-reliance and profitable risk taking that has made Israel into the “Silicon Valley” it is today. Israel is the third nation with the most companies listed on NASDAQ-more than the Arab nations combined-thank you BDS.
8) For creating a massive public movement among otherwise non-interested Jews in their identification with the State of Israel through the unbridled anti-Semitism of the BDS movement. By attacking the Jewish State, these insidious folks, have made millions of Jews all over the world become Israel conscious.
9) Many Jews, especially in Western Europe, are now seriously contemplating aliyah (immigration to Israel) as the BDS movement in their countries has also sparked a pandemic of outright Jew hatred and reminded our people of their tenuous and perhaps dangerous, existence where they find themselves today. As an example, the number of French Jews immigrating to Israel has TRIPLED since last year and aliyah conferences in France, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Norway, are filled to the rafters with Jews seeking to come home to Israel-thank you BDS.
10) Thanks to the BDS movement and its lackeys and supporters, the people of Israel have realized that only a right wing, nationalist government can provide the security and foster the self-reliance that we need to survive in a world that has never loved us and a world that would rather see us dead and gone.
...I haven’t mentioned the magnificent contributions of Israel in the field of medical technology and pharmaceuticals ...
...I ...recommend and advocate that all the BDS supporters, wherever they live on this planet, hold fast to their beliefs and if they ever find themselves at death’s door, or suffering from an excruciatingly painful and agonizing illness, that they abjure from employing Israeli medications or the use of Israeli designed and/or manufactured diagnostic tools, machinery or surgical techniques, and suffer deeply and die in unbearable pain knowing that they held their beliefs to the last.
Friday, June 12, 2015
UK Business Minister Slams BDS, Pledges More Trade with Israel

[Muslim] Business Secretary Sajid Javid hails 'golden
era' of UK-Israel trade ties, totaling over £4.5 billion, shares deep
admiration for Israel.
Britain's new Business Secretary has hailed the UK's
booming economic ties with Israel, in a speech which saw him deliver a robust
rejection of calls to boycott the Jewish state.
Conservative Sajid Javid hailed the current "golden
era" of trade between Israel and the UK, but added: "what really
excites me are the possibilities for the years that lie ahead."
Javid, a secular Muslim who has been touted as a possible
future leader of the Conservative Party, was speaking to some 250 people
at the British Israeli Business Awards on Monday night.
He said bilateral trade between the countries now
totals over £4.5 billion (roughly $6.9 billion).
"Over the past 67 years, Israel has made business boom in the barren desert...It’s one of the many reasons I have long admired the country. I travelled there extensively, both for business and with family.Over the years, I have taken a great interest in its affairs. The values that make Israel such a success are values that matter a great deal to me. I share Israel’s love for freedom and democracy. I admire its tenacious determination when the odds are stacked against it."
Javid continued by directly addressing calls by
anti-Israel activists to boycott the Jewish state, saying he was fundamentally
against such moves and condemning the recent
announcement by the National Union of
Students that it was officially aligning
itself with the BDS movement....
"...let me be very clear. I don’t believe in boycotts. Nor, I’m proud to say, does my party, my prime minister, or for the most part, my country."On the contrary, my department, including UKTI (UK Trade & Investment), are working hard to boost Anglo-Israeli trade and investment. And I, as business secretary, will do anything I can to support and promote it."
Javid has been one of the most outspoken pro-Israel
voices within the center-right Conservative Party, led by British Prime
Minister David Cameron.
At a meeting with activists from the Conservative Friends
of Israel group in 2012, he reportedly said that if he had to choose any other
country in the world to live in, it would be Israel.
According to a Jewish
Chronicle report at the time, "Only there, he said, would
his children feel the 'warm embrace of freedom and liberty.'"
The UK has seen an alarming rise in anti-Semitism over
the past year, particularly since last summer's war
between Israel and Islamist terrorist groups in Gaza.
Anxiety among British Jews over increasingly
hysterical anti-Israel sentiment emanating from the Conservatives' left-wing
rivals led the community to overwhelmingly back David
Cameron's party in May's general elections, which he won handily.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Palestinian kindergarten parade with toy machine guns
At West Bank kindergarten graduation ceremony, preschoolers perform to
song promising enemies will be turned into ‘body parts’

Palestinian pre-schoolers perform with toy guns at a West Bank kindergarten, June 2015.
(MEMRI screenshot. Follow this link to see the clip)
Children in a kindergarten run by a
Palestinian charitable organization recently held a graduation ceremony in
which preschoolers wore military uniforms and brandished toy machine guns as
they performed a parade routine to a song vowing violence against enemies...
The ceremony was filmed by a television
station affiliated with the Palestinian Authority and posted on the internet
last week, according to the US-based group MEMRI, which translated and posted the clip on Monday.
The kindergarten is in Anabta, in the
Tulkarm area of the West Bank, and belongs to the Anabta women’s charity
A large photograph of the late PLO
leader Yasser Arafat was on the stage where the children performed.
The room was festively decorated, and
the performance was watched by what appeared to be several dozen adults.
...the words of the song
to which the children performed run as follows:
“On the mountains, behind the hills, within the valleys – you will be defeated, you will be defeated.“Whether you come by sea, or by air – you will be crushed, you will be crushed.
“If you stretch your hand, it will be chopped off. If you just look with your eye, it will be gouged out. The defeated army will be too terrified to come back.
“We come for you before, and woe betide you if we come back again. You come to this land alive, but you will leave it as body parts.”
PA school message: "Palestine" will replace Israel
painting at PA Ministry of Education's Al-Karameh school in the West Bank
flag over Israel denotes Palestinian political sovereignty
"On this land is something worth living for" [Official PA TV, June 2,
Emphasizing its refusal to co-exist with Israel or even
recognize Israel, the Palestinian Authority continues to present all of Israel
as "occupied Palestine." The PA National Security Forces, for
example, repeatedly greets its Facebook followers with pictures of Israel and
statements like:
"Good morning, this photo is from: occupied Jaffa" or
"occupied Acre" or "occupied
Forces, June 9, 2015]

"Good morning, this photo is from: occupied Acre"
[Facebook page of the PA National Security

"Good evening from Hula Lake in occupied Palestine"
[Facebook page of the PA National Security
Forces, Feb. 18, 2015]

"Good morning, this photo is from: occupied Jaffa - the old city"
[Facebook page of the PA National Security
Forces, June 5, 2015]

"Good morning, this photo is from occupied Jaffa"
[Facebook page of the PA National Security
Forces, May 29, 2015]
Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the PA and
Fatah - both headed by Mahmoud Abbas - use all the means of communications they
control to send the message that there is only room for one
"Palestine" extending "from the river to the sea" and that all of Israel is "occupied" and will eventually "return" to the Palestinians.
Also, Palestinian school children are indoctrinated with the
message that there is no Israel but only "Palestine." Young boys at the Al-Karameh First
Elementary School for Boys in Jenin are met with this wall painting (above) of a map labeled
"Palestine" that includes the PA areas and all of Israel. The
Palestinian flag is flying from the center of the map, symbolizing future
political sovereignty over what is now Israel. Next to the map is written:
"On this land is something worth living for" (Song by Mahmoud
Darwish, Palestinian national poet) [Official PA TV, June 2, 2015]
The Al-Karameh School in Jenin is under the PA Ministry of Education.
to see other examples of the PA and Fatah's denial of Israel's right to exist
Orange’s Decision To Boycott Israel Started With The Shameful New Israel Fund
From Arutz Sheva, 9 June 2015, by Ronn Torossian:
On June 3, 2015, the CEO of the French telecom giant Orange, Stephane Richardת announced that he would like to terminate the company’s ties with Partner Communications, Orange’s affiliate in Israel, reportedly due to Partner’s operations in the "settlements" over the Green Line.
...What prompted these statements? Several NGOs that lead the boycott against Israel in Europe, including the Israeli organization “Who Profits from the Occupation?” issued a report in France intended to pressure Orange.
Who Profits accused Partner (the Orange Brand partner in Israel), of aiding war efforts during Operation Protective Edge, participating in the Adopt a Soldier project, and offering discounted service rates to IDF soldiers.
"Who Profits from the Occupation?" is a project launched in 2006 by Coalition of Women for Peace, an organization which has received funding from the New Israel Fund.
In 2013, following the growth and establishment of a research center under the auspices of "Who Profits", the project registered as an independent organization, and today they run joint activities as sister organizations. "Who Profits" is one of the leading organizations in the Anti-Israel 
The damage caused by the activities of Coalition of Women for Peace continues to have repercussions to this day.
boycott campaign and manages a website with a database on companies that invest or are involved in projects located over the Green Line or in Israeli security companies. The website encourages international companies and foreign countries to divest themselves of such investments.

The damage caused by the activities of Coalition of Women for Peace continues to have repercussions to this day.

In 2009 "Who Profits" activities included a letter to the Norwegian government, demanding its divestment from Elbit Systems, due to the company’s involvement in the construction of the separation fence. The Norwegian government decided to accede to the demand and withdrew its investments.
That letter to the Norwegian government was signed by additional NIF-funded organizations: Machsom Watch, Mossawa and Social Television-Syncopa – organizations that the NIF continues to support.
That letter to the Norwegian government was signed by additional NIF-funded organizations: Machsom Watch, Mossawa and Social Television-Syncopa – organizations that the NIF continues to support.
Former NIF President Naomi Hazan and "Who Profits" co-founder Dalit Baum are currently members of the Public Council of Social Television (Syncopa).
"Who Profits" has had several other “success stories,” such as the decision by Veolia, a French transportation company, to withdraw some of its investments from Israel because the projects in question traversed “the occupied territories.” The largest pension fund in Holland, PGGM, also decided to withdraw all its investments in Israel's five largest banks, because they have branches over the Green Line and are involved in construction in the settlements.
In short, the NIF provided funding to Coalition of Women for Peace during the launch of the "Who Profits" project, one of the leading organizations in the boycott campaign against Israel. The damage caused by the activities of Coalition of Women for Peace continues to have repercussions to this day....Shameful is not a strong enough word.
Sunday, June 07, 2015
It's not about Soccer, Stupid. It's about Israel's Survival
From Arutz Sheva, 5 June, by Dr. Mordechai Kedar:
Mahmoud Abbas intends to destroy Israel. Plain and simple.
... Israelis are justified in the feeling that the FIFA issue is a fateful one, that is a manifestation of the Palestinian (a tribal group invented by certain Israelis) desire to wipe us off the face of the earth, not merely from the list of FIFA teams.
In their eyes, Israel must not only leave the soccer court, but all of "Palestine" - that is, the land of Israel, named "Palestine" after the Jews' mortal enemies in biblical times, the Philistines, by the Roman Caesar Hadrian, and who have absolutely no connection to the Arabs who invaded Judea much later, in the seventh century C.E.
What, however, is not justified is the triumphant feeling some of us have now that Rajoub (a convicted terrorist "lifer" who was freed in the 1985 Jibril 'Deal") has generously decided to withdraw the "Palestinian" demand to eject Israel from FIFA. This is a victory, this?
The fact that he is still here is the proof of Israel's failure in its existential battle for surivial on its own land. The very same day he presented his request he should have been thrown into an Israeli prison or, alternately, over to the Lebanese side of the border. for unilaterally turning to international bodies without Israel's consent, in defiance of the stipulations set in the Oslo Accords..
We, however, are the guilty party, because his boss, Mahmoud Abbas, was not booted as far as we can throw him for presenting the UN, the International Court in the Hague and tens of other international organizatons with requests to join them. He is the foremost enemy of Israel and the man who cleverly, moved the fight to the death against Israel to the international arena where Israel is weaker, easier to pressure and has less of an advantage compared to local battlefields.
Under his supervision, the boycott movement flourished, with its twofold goal of laying sanctions on Israel and discouraging investment. Mahmoud Abbas is leading a process that intends to turn Israel into a leper state, rejected by the whole world, including the Jews. Tha is how he intends to defeat and destroy Israel. Yes, to destroy Israel.
The truth must be said. To d-e-s-t-r-o-y the S-t-a-t-e of I-s-r-a-e-l. That is what he wants and that is what he is doing. Slowly, but surely.
Mahmoud Abbas cannot apply for a patent for the idea of boycotting us at every turn. That idea was raised beforehand, in the irresponsible words of Helmut Ostrerman (aka "Uri Avineri") and his Israeli leftist friends including Alon LIel, Yossi Beilin, Shimon Peres (the father of the "New Middle East" delusion, who once - in a dark moment - was chosen to be Israel's president), and other fools who constantly "warn" the Jewish people that their international standing will deteriorate if they do not establish another terror state on the hills of Judea and Samaria for murderers like Jibril Rajoub and his Abbas-type supporters.
It is time to wake up. The battle is not on our place in FIFA, it is on our place right here. The problem is not a group of "settlements" in Judea and Samaria, but the largest "settlement" of all, Tel Aviv. The enemy is those strangers we brought her in 1983 to rule over the hamoulot of Hevron, Shechem (Nablus) and Kalkilya. They seek legitimacy for their rotten and corrupt government by waging war against us, and they will stoop to nothing in order to create an image of themselves as fierce and successful fighters. Our leftists are their teachers and guides. For shame.
We have to get real, turn over the table. oust every hired soldier from Tunisia and and tansfer the control of the Arab cities of Judea and Samaria to the local families, creating municipal emirates.
Israel must remain in the rural areas forever so as to sure that another Hamastan does not arise wih continguity of terrorism from the hills that overlook Dimona and Be'er Sheva in the south to the threatening Hermon range overlooking Aful and Beit Shean in the north - and passing the coastal plan and Jerusalem,
Let's tell the truth: the Palestine Liberation Organizaion established in June 2, 1964, three years before the "occupation", was meant to free the "Palestine" that existed then, meaning Tel Aviv, Haifa, Nahariya and Be'er Sheva and not Hevron, Shechem and Ramallah that were under Jordanian "occupation" at the time.
The organization has not changed its charter as of today, nor has it changed its goal and its suggested Final Solution for the Jewish People all over the world. This was the credo of its founder, he who established the great Palestinian Nation Lie, none other than Haj Amin El-Husseini, who took an active part in the extermination of half a million Hungarian Jews in 1944.
Mahmoud Abbas, Jibril Rajoub and their fellow-murderers share Husseini's dreams and are trying to achieve his goals without being obvious about it, so as not to wake us up. We are asleep and they are leading us towards extermination, along international corridors, by way of the courtroom - and through FIFA.
According to the Palestine Liberation Organization, all these interantional bodies are gas molecules that will strangle Israel, causing its certain death as soon as they reach the required concentration. All they have to do is open the anesthesia pipeline of "security coordination" to keep us from seeing the fatal gas they are gathering all around us.
This is not about soccer. This is about our existence in Israel, from Tel Aviv to Ariel, from Haifa to Kiryat Arba, from Be'er Sheva to Maaleh Adumim. The Palestine - all of Palestine - Liberation Organization does not want us here and it is time to tell the truth: those Accords we signed with them in 1993 were a strategic error and a fatal step for the Jewish State that followed Arafat as though he was the pied piper of Hamelin and they were a buinch of naive children - fated to be left in a cave with no way out.
It is time to send the Palestine Liberation Organization to hell in a handbasket before it becomes another Hamas state, which is can do by holding elections as in January 2006, or through a violent takeover which is what happened in Gaza in 2007. Is anyone able to promise that this won't happen in Judea and Samaria? Since no one in the world can assure us that this most realistic scenario will not take place, we must take that vital step, and every passing day makes it harder to do that most necessary thing. If not now, when? When should we do it? Should we wait until Hamas takes over and establishes a terror state in Judea and Samaria? As they are busy doing in Gaza?
Our thanks to Jibril Rajouib, the convicted terrorist who showed us the truth, as if we really needed to be told.
Mahmoud Abbas intends to destroy Israel. Plain and simple.
... Israelis are justified in the feeling that the FIFA issue is a fateful one, that is a manifestation of the Palestinian (a tribal group invented by certain Israelis) desire to wipe us off the face of the earth, not merely from the list of FIFA teams.
In their eyes, Israel must not only leave the soccer court, but all of "Palestine" - that is, the land of Israel, named "Palestine" after the Jews' mortal enemies in biblical times, the Philistines, by the Roman Caesar Hadrian, and who have absolutely no connection to the Arabs who invaded Judea much later, in the seventh century C.E.
What, however, is not justified is the triumphant feeling some of us have now that Rajoub (a convicted terrorist "lifer" who was freed in the 1985 Jibril 'Deal") has generously decided to withdraw the "Palestinian" demand to eject Israel from FIFA. This is a victory, this?
The fact that he is still here is the proof of Israel's failure in its existential battle for surivial on its own land. The very same day he presented his request he should have been thrown into an Israeli prison or, alternately, over to the Lebanese side of the border. for unilaterally turning to international bodies without Israel's consent, in defiance of the stipulations set in the Oslo Accords..
We, however, are the guilty party, because his boss, Mahmoud Abbas, was not booted as far as we can throw him for presenting the UN, the International Court in the Hague and tens of other international organizatons with requests to join them. He is the foremost enemy of Israel and the man who cleverly, moved the fight to the death against Israel to the international arena where Israel is weaker, easier to pressure and has less of an advantage compared to local battlefields.
Under his supervision, the boycott movement flourished, with its twofold goal of laying sanctions on Israel and discouraging investment. Mahmoud Abbas is leading a process that intends to turn Israel into a leper state, rejected by the whole world, including the Jews. Tha is how he intends to defeat and destroy Israel. Yes, to destroy Israel.
The truth must be said. To d-e-s-t-r-o-y the S-t-a-t-e of I-s-r-a-e-l. That is what he wants and that is what he is doing. Slowly, but surely.
Mahmoud Abbas cannot apply for a patent for the idea of boycotting us at every turn. That idea was raised beforehand, in the irresponsible words of Helmut Ostrerman (aka "Uri Avineri") and his Israeli leftist friends including Alon LIel, Yossi Beilin, Shimon Peres (the father of the "New Middle East" delusion, who once - in a dark moment - was chosen to be Israel's president), and other fools who constantly "warn" the Jewish people that their international standing will deteriorate if they do not establish another terror state on the hills of Judea and Samaria for murderers like Jibril Rajoub and his Abbas-type supporters.
It is time to wake up. The battle is not on our place in FIFA, it is on our place right here. The problem is not a group of "settlements" in Judea and Samaria, but the largest "settlement" of all, Tel Aviv. The enemy is those strangers we brought her in 1983 to rule over the hamoulot of Hevron, Shechem (Nablus) and Kalkilya. They seek legitimacy for their rotten and corrupt government by waging war against us, and they will stoop to nothing in order to create an image of themselves as fierce and successful fighters. Our leftists are their teachers and guides. For shame.
We have to get real, turn over the table. oust every hired soldier from Tunisia and and tansfer the control of the Arab cities of Judea and Samaria to the local families, creating municipal emirates.
Israel must remain in the rural areas forever so as to sure that another Hamastan does not arise wih continguity of terrorism from the hills that overlook Dimona and Be'er Sheva in the south to the threatening Hermon range overlooking Aful and Beit Shean in the north - and passing the coastal plan and Jerusalem,
Let's tell the truth: the Palestine Liberation Organizaion established in June 2, 1964, three years before the "occupation", was meant to free the "Palestine" that existed then, meaning Tel Aviv, Haifa, Nahariya and Be'er Sheva and not Hevron, Shechem and Ramallah that were under Jordanian "occupation" at the time.
The organization has not changed its charter as of today, nor has it changed its goal and its suggested Final Solution for the Jewish People all over the world. This was the credo of its founder, he who established the great Palestinian Nation Lie, none other than Haj Amin El-Husseini, who took an active part in the extermination of half a million Hungarian Jews in 1944.
Mahmoud Abbas, Jibril Rajoub and their fellow-murderers share Husseini's dreams and are trying to achieve his goals without being obvious about it, so as not to wake us up. We are asleep and they are leading us towards extermination, along international corridors, by way of the courtroom - and through FIFA.
According to the Palestine Liberation Organization, all these interantional bodies are gas molecules that will strangle Israel, causing its certain death as soon as they reach the required concentration. All they have to do is open the anesthesia pipeline of "security coordination" to keep us from seeing the fatal gas they are gathering all around us.
This is not about soccer. This is about our existence in Israel, from Tel Aviv to Ariel, from Haifa to Kiryat Arba, from Be'er Sheva to Maaleh Adumim. The Palestine - all of Palestine - Liberation Organization does not want us here and it is time to tell the truth: those Accords we signed with them in 1993 were a strategic error and a fatal step for the Jewish State that followed Arafat as though he was the pied piper of Hamelin and they were a buinch of naive children - fated to be left in a cave with no way out.
It is time to send the Palestine Liberation Organization to hell in a handbasket before it becomes another Hamas state, which is can do by holding elections as in January 2006, or through a violent takeover which is what happened in Gaza in 2007. Is anyone able to promise that this won't happen in Judea and Samaria? Since no one in the world can assure us that this most realistic scenario will not take place, we must take that vital step, and every passing day makes it harder to do that most necessary thing. If not now, when? When should we do it? Should we wait until Hamas takes over and establishes a terror state in Judea and Samaria? As they are busy doing in Gaza?
Our thanks to Jibril Rajouib, the convicted terrorist who showed us the truth, as if we really needed to be told.
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