From the Times of Israel, 28 Sept 2012, by Yoel Goldman:
An explosive device detonated in front of a Jewish community center in Malmo, Sweden, early Friday morning. There were no injuries reported.
The blast blew out some windows and caused damage to the front door of the building. The explosion was heard several blocks away...
Two suspects were arrested following the explosion...
Malmo, home to approximately 700 Jews, is Sweden’s third-largest city and the site of some of the country’s highest profile attacks on Jews in recent years.
Frustration has been building in Malmo since 2009 ...with ...anti-Israel and anti-Semitic demonstrations in the city, leaving Jews with the feeling that they were under threat and without sufficient protection from the authorities.
When Israeli tennis players showed up that year to compete in the Davis Cup, which Malmo was hosting, anti-Israel protests erupted and quickly morphed into violent, anti-Semitic riots.
Some 50 to 100 anti-Semitic incidents occur in the city annually, according to police and community statistics. Many of the perpetrators are first- and second-generation Muslim immigrants, who make up 30 to 40 percent of Malmo’s population of 300,000.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center told The Times of Israel that it had previously issued a travel advisory for Jews thinking of visiting Malmo. Representatives of the Jewish human rights organization recently traveled to the city and confronted the mayor and police over their refusal to properly protect the local rabbi and Jewish community from harassment.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Abbas in the UN. Who cares?
From Commentary Magazine, 27 Sept 2012, by Jonathan Tobin:
...Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas...had promised Jewish leaders he would recognize Jewish rights to the land...He moved a little closer to such recognition with his mention of the ties of the three monotheistic religions to the country and did say he didn’t want to delegitimize Israel–though much of his speech was clearly aiming at just such a goal.
But the most important sentence was the one where he complained about the Palestinians being moved “to the bottom of the global agenda.” He then went on to claim that the PA alone was the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinians and that there could not be two such bodies.
It was those sentences, in which he vainly banged his head against the wall of world indifference to his cause, that were telling. The fact is the Palestinians are at the bottom of the world agenda. That’s because, contrary to his boast, the PA is ...corrupt, ineffective ... doesn’t control all of the territory it claims since Gaza is ruled by Hamas. Thus, while much of the world applauds Abbas’s imprecation of Israel as a racist, colonialist state and his outright lies about the fomenting of hatred that his government promotes, they have no interest in supporting him. It was for that reason that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave Abbas’s speech barely a mention as he went on to concentrate on his country’s real problem: a nuclear Iran.
Abbas’s unhappy acknowledgement of the world’s opinion of the PA summed up exactly why the “diplomatic tsunami” that was supposed to engulf Israel last fall never happened. The global community may not like Israel and is not enraged by the anti-Semitic incitement that the Palestinians routinely produce. But they know that Abbas can’t make peace with Israel and won’t negotiate with it to create a state that will, as Netanyahu said, recognize the legitimacy of a Jewish state. They also know the PA is incapable of governing such a state and that Abbas, in the eighth year of his current four-year term as president, fears that Hamas will supplant him if given the chance.
...the PA is ...on the bottom of the global agenda and will stay there so long as they produce leaders such as Abbas.
...Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas...had promised Jewish leaders he would recognize Jewish rights to the land...He moved a little closer to such recognition with his mention of the ties of the three monotheistic religions to the country and did say he didn’t want to delegitimize Israel–though much of his speech was clearly aiming at just such a goal.
But the most important sentence was the one where he complained about the Palestinians being moved “to the bottom of the global agenda.” He then went on to claim that the PA alone was the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinians and that there could not be two such bodies.
It was those sentences, in which he vainly banged his head against the wall of world indifference to his cause, that were telling. The fact is the Palestinians are at the bottom of the world agenda. That’s because, contrary to his boast, the PA is ...corrupt, ineffective ... doesn’t control all of the territory it claims since Gaza is ruled by Hamas. Thus, while much of the world applauds Abbas’s imprecation of Israel as a racist, colonialist state and his outright lies about the fomenting of hatred that his government promotes, they have no interest in supporting him. It was for that reason that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave Abbas’s speech barely a mention as he went on to concentrate on his country’s real problem: a nuclear Iran.
Abbas’s unhappy acknowledgement of the world’s opinion of the PA summed up exactly why the “diplomatic tsunami” that was supposed to engulf Israel last fall never happened. The global community may not like Israel and is not enraged by the anti-Semitic incitement that the Palestinians routinely produce. But they know that Abbas can’t make peace with Israel and won’t negotiate with it to create a state that will, as Netanyahu said, recognize the legitimacy of a Jewish state. They also know the PA is incapable of governing such a state and that Abbas, in the eighth year of his current four-year term as president, fears that Hamas will supplant him if given the chance.
...the PA is ...on the bottom of the global agenda and will stay there so long as they produce leaders such as Abbas.
Pay them to go
From JPost, 27 Sept 2012, by Martin Sherman*:
....44% of young Palestinians are willing to [e]migrate if given the opportunity.
– Poll #28, Center for Development Studies, Bir Zeit University, September 20, 2006 proposal for a humanitarian approach to the Palestinian problem, to replace the failed political paradigm with its focus on a two-state-solution (TSS)...:
• Abolition of UNRWA (the anomalous organization dealing with the Palestinian refugees), in its current form, and bringing the treatment of Palestinian refugees in line with global norms, which would dramatically diminish the scope of the problem – from about 5,000,000 to under 50,000;
• A strategic diplomatic offensive aimed at terminating the ethnic discrimination against Palestinians in Arab states and exerting pressure on Arab governments to allow them to acquire citizenship of the countries of their long-standing residence;
• Provision of generous relocation grants directly to Palestinian family heads/breadwinners in Judea/Samaria (and later, Gaza) to facilitate their permanent emigration to third-party countries where they can build better lives for themselves/their families.
...the following...should be borne in mind:
• The implementation of the initiative is not contingent on reaching agreement with any Arab government/ collective, only with individual Palestinians seeking to enhance their wellbeing. As such it is a policy that – given the appropriate political will/skill – can be launched unilaterally by Israel.
• The envisaged grants per family unit would amount to almost two centuries (!) of current GDP per capita in the Palestinian- administered territories (equivalent to offering about $6 million to Israelis or almost $10m. to US citizens). If implementation was spread over 15 to 20 years, Israel – with its current GDP of a quarter-trillion dollars – could bear most of the cost itself, without the burden becoming unbearably onerous.
• The grants would make recipients eligible to be residents in a range of potential host countries that would benefit from a considerable capital inflow from absorbing the newcomers (about $1 billion per 5,000 families), who would not arrive as destitute refugees, but as relatively well-off immigrants by local standards.
Feasibility: Facts & figures
...a poll conducted in late 2004 by the reputable Israeli institute Maagar Mohot, in collaboration with the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, with a random sample, representative of the adult (17 and above) Arab population in Judea/Samaria, found that in answer to the question: “What would induce you to emigrate permanently?”: Only 15% stated that nothing would induce them to emigrate permanently; while over 70% specified one or more material factors that would, such as substantial financial compensation; guarantee of a good job abroad; and a high standard of housing.
Subsequent polls by various Palestinian institutes confirmed a widespread desire to emigrate – even in the absence of specific economic inducements – fueled by a pervasive sense of pessimism and dissatisfaction with the performance of the Palestinian regime.
For example, two years later, a poll by Bir Zeit University’s Development Studies Center found: “The most shocking result is related to willingness to immigrate [read “emigrate” – M.S.]. Overall, 32.4% of respondents say they are willing to [e]migrate compared with approximately 19% during the last few years (a 13-point increase). The results also show that 44% of young Palestinians are willing to [e]migrate if given the opportunity.”
The humanitarian approach would give them precisely such an opportunity.
Commenting on this result of the Bir Zeit University survey, pollster Nader Said, who monitored emigration attitudes for over a decade, stated that the proportion of Palestinians willing to relocate once hovered just below 20 percent. When that figure jumped to almost one-third in the aforementioned poll, Said admitted he was shocked.
Even more disturbing for him was that it climbed to 44% among Palestinians in their 20s and 30s, while among young males, it soared to over 50%.
Later surveys – up to the current year – by bodies such as An-Najah University’s Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies, and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, show persistently that, overall, 30% of the respondents (and up to 45% in Gaza) are considering emigrating.
The significance of this figure is far greater than would appear at first sight.
First, it ought to be pointed out that dependents of adult respondents should be added to it. After all, it is only plausible to assume that most – or at least, a sizable proportion – of those considering emigrating, plan to do so with their families.
Moreover, given the stigma associated with emigrating – the Palestinian Authority’s mufti actually issued a fatwa in 2007 against it to stem the burgeoning tide – one might not unreasonably surmise that the real number contemplating a better life elsewhere is much higher.
So, not only has the current desire to emigrate been expressed in a repressively menacing atmosphere (about two-thirds of respondents in a 2012 Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research poll expressed fear of criticizing the regime), but in the absence of any tangible opportunity to fulfill it. Accordingly, once a credible mechanism, envisaged in the humanitarian approach, is in place to provide the necessary financial resources and physical means to do so, there appears little reason to doubt that the numbers of prospective emigrants will surge.
Failing façade of Fayyadism
In a recent report (September 10) on the “Spreading Palestinian protests,” the New York Times wrote: “A week of Palestinian protests against rising prices and economic hardship erupted... into rioting against the Palestinian Authority... Public anger has mostly been directed at Salam Fayyad, the prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, an internationally respected economist... widely credited abroad with shepherding the authority toward sound fiscal policies and the building of the institutions needed for a future state...”
According to one Palestinian legislator interviewed: “The high prices and the corruption of Fayyad’s ministries have led people to explode.”
This then is the situation on the ground, two decades after the launching of the Oslo process and after billions of dollars of international aid. The future portends only desperation and despair. According to an Associated Press dispatch (August 18) the Palestinians Authority is in “the worst crisis in its 18-year existence. In recent months, it has been struggling to meet its costliest obligation – salaries for 150,000 civil servants and security personnel which devour half the government’s budget of nearly $4 billion... Unlike in previous crises, the authority can no longer borrow to ease the pain: It already owes more than $2 billion to local banks, private companies.”
Economist Samir Abdullah, a former PA government minister, predicted, “If there is no reversal in the current trend, the Palestinian Authority will not survive this year,” and current finance minister Nabeel Kassis warned that at some point the debt-ridden government would become too feeble to continue.
Whether accurate or not, for the average Palestinian these gloomy forecasts, reflect the pervasive sense of failure, hopelessness and a future of deprivation, despondency and dependency.
Now imagine, against the wretched backdrop of corruption and collapse, an offer of almost 200 years of current GDP per capita being made directly to a Palestinian breadwinner, struggling to provide for his family and with little prospect of any improvement, that would allow him to seek a better future elsewhere....
Fear of fratricide
... the threat of fratricide to dissuade Palestinians from accepting the relocation grants is a tangible possibility. ...a prospect that presents the country with a moral challenge and a diplomatic opportunity.
The moral challenge would be for Israel’s security establishment/intelligence community to devise a mechanism that protects the rights of individual Palestinians to exercise free choice and provides them safe passage to their destination of choice by vigorously forestalling any violent attempts to dissuade them from their quest of a better life. Indeed, in light of the impending implosion of the Palestinian Authority (see above), it might find that it has little alternative but to undertake such a role.
The diplomatic opportunity would be to use the fratricidal endeavor to dramatically illustrate the brutal nature of Palestinian society and to deconstruct the Palestinian national narrative. It is difficult to envisage anything that could better undermine the claim that Palestinians have an authentic national identity, and better underpin the counter-claim that they are, in fact, an artificially invented national entity, than demonstrating that they can only be held together by coercion and fear.
...Some have warned that the proposal will flounder on the allegedly rock-like Palestinian characteristic of “steadfastness” in clinging to their land – known as sumud.
Well, if the Palestinians are so sumud, how is that so many in fact left the land?
It would be intriguing to hear how the sumud enthusiasts reconcile their claim with the millions of “refugees” in the Arab countries, the hundreds of thousands in the US, Latin America and Europe (where reportedly 14% of the 5,000,000 Arab population are Palestinian).
It would be even more intriguing to see how sumud stands up to a competing challenge of a chance of a better life elsewhere, accompanied by a financial-package equivalent to two centuries of current GDP per capita...
*Martin Sherman ( is the founder and executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.
....44% of young Palestinians are willing to [e]migrate if given the opportunity.
– Poll #28, Center for Development Studies, Bir Zeit University, September 20, 2006
There has been much talk in Palestine about emigration, especially among the young people...This is being done in search of a better life abroad. Many... rush to the gates of the embassies and consulates of the Western nations with requests for visas in order to reside permanently in those countries.– Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, mufti of the Palestinian Authority, in an anti-emigration fatwa, 2007
In Palestine, the salaries are like in Somalia and the prices are like Paris.– Palestinian protester – quoted in The New York Times, September 10, 2012 proposal for a humanitarian approach to the Palestinian problem, to replace the failed political paradigm with its focus on a two-state-solution (TSS)...:
• Abolition of UNRWA (the anomalous organization dealing with the Palestinian refugees), in its current form, and bringing the treatment of Palestinian refugees in line with global norms, which would dramatically diminish the scope of the problem – from about 5,000,000 to under 50,000;
• A strategic diplomatic offensive aimed at terminating the ethnic discrimination against Palestinians in Arab states and exerting pressure on Arab governments to allow them to acquire citizenship of the countries of their long-standing residence;
• Provision of generous relocation grants directly to Palestinian family heads/breadwinners in Judea/Samaria (and later, Gaza) to facilitate their permanent emigration to third-party countries where they can build better lives for themselves/their families.
...the following...should be borne in mind:
• The implementation of the initiative is not contingent on reaching agreement with any Arab government/ collective, only with individual Palestinians seeking to enhance their wellbeing. As such it is a policy that – given the appropriate political will/skill – can be launched unilaterally by Israel.
• The envisaged grants per family unit would amount to almost two centuries (!) of current GDP per capita in the Palestinian- administered territories (equivalent to offering about $6 million to Israelis or almost $10m. to US citizens). If implementation was spread over 15 to 20 years, Israel – with its current GDP of a quarter-trillion dollars – could bear most of the cost itself, without the burden becoming unbearably onerous.
• The grants would make recipients eligible to be residents in a range of potential host countries that would benefit from a considerable capital inflow from absorbing the newcomers (about $1 billion per 5,000 families), who would not arrive as destitute refugees, but as relatively well-off immigrants by local standards.
Feasibility: Facts & figures
...a poll conducted in late 2004 by the reputable Israeli institute Maagar Mohot, in collaboration with the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, with a random sample, representative of the adult (17 and above) Arab population in Judea/Samaria, found that in answer to the question: “What would induce you to emigrate permanently?”: Only 15% stated that nothing would induce them to emigrate permanently; while over 70% specified one or more material factors that would, such as substantial financial compensation; guarantee of a good job abroad; and a high standard of housing.
Subsequent polls by various Palestinian institutes confirmed a widespread desire to emigrate – even in the absence of specific economic inducements – fueled by a pervasive sense of pessimism and dissatisfaction with the performance of the Palestinian regime.
For example, two years later, a poll by Bir Zeit University’s Development Studies Center found: “The most shocking result is related to willingness to immigrate [read “emigrate” – M.S.]. Overall, 32.4% of respondents say they are willing to [e]migrate compared with approximately 19% during the last few years (a 13-point increase). The results also show that 44% of young Palestinians are willing to [e]migrate if given the opportunity.”
The humanitarian approach would give them precisely such an opportunity.
Commenting on this result of the Bir Zeit University survey, pollster Nader Said, who monitored emigration attitudes for over a decade, stated that the proportion of Palestinians willing to relocate once hovered just below 20 percent. When that figure jumped to almost one-third in the aforementioned poll, Said admitted he was shocked.
Even more disturbing for him was that it climbed to 44% among Palestinians in their 20s and 30s, while among young males, it soared to over 50%.
Later surveys – up to the current year – by bodies such as An-Najah University’s Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies, and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, show persistently that, overall, 30% of the respondents (and up to 45% in Gaza) are considering emigrating.
The significance of this figure is far greater than would appear at first sight.
First, it ought to be pointed out that dependents of adult respondents should be added to it. After all, it is only plausible to assume that most – or at least, a sizable proportion – of those considering emigrating, plan to do so with their families.
Moreover, given the stigma associated with emigrating – the Palestinian Authority’s mufti actually issued a fatwa in 2007 against it to stem the burgeoning tide – one might not unreasonably surmise that the real number contemplating a better life elsewhere is much higher.
So, not only has the current desire to emigrate been expressed in a repressively menacing atmosphere (about two-thirds of respondents in a 2012 Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research poll expressed fear of criticizing the regime), but in the absence of any tangible opportunity to fulfill it. Accordingly, once a credible mechanism, envisaged in the humanitarian approach, is in place to provide the necessary financial resources and physical means to do so, there appears little reason to doubt that the numbers of prospective emigrants will surge.
Failing façade of Fayyadism
In a recent report (September 10) on the “Spreading Palestinian protests,” the New York Times wrote: “A week of Palestinian protests against rising prices and economic hardship erupted... into rioting against the Palestinian Authority... Public anger has mostly been directed at Salam Fayyad, the prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, an internationally respected economist... widely credited abroad with shepherding the authority toward sound fiscal policies and the building of the institutions needed for a future state...”
According to one Palestinian legislator interviewed: “The high prices and the corruption of Fayyad’s ministries have led people to explode.”
This then is the situation on the ground, two decades after the launching of the Oslo process and after billions of dollars of international aid. The future portends only desperation and despair. According to an Associated Press dispatch (August 18) the Palestinians Authority is in “the worst crisis in its 18-year existence. In recent months, it has been struggling to meet its costliest obligation – salaries for 150,000 civil servants and security personnel which devour half the government’s budget of nearly $4 billion... Unlike in previous crises, the authority can no longer borrow to ease the pain: It already owes more than $2 billion to local banks, private companies.”
Economist Samir Abdullah, a former PA government minister, predicted, “If there is no reversal in the current trend, the Palestinian Authority will not survive this year,” and current finance minister Nabeel Kassis warned that at some point the debt-ridden government would become too feeble to continue.
Whether accurate or not, for the average Palestinian these gloomy forecasts, reflect the pervasive sense of failure, hopelessness and a future of deprivation, despondency and dependency.
Now imagine, against the wretched backdrop of corruption and collapse, an offer of almost 200 years of current GDP per capita being made directly to a Palestinian breadwinner, struggling to provide for his family and with little prospect of any improvement, that would allow him to seek a better future elsewhere....
Fear of fratricide
... the threat of fratricide to dissuade Palestinians from accepting the relocation grants is a tangible possibility. ...a prospect that presents the country with a moral challenge and a diplomatic opportunity.
The moral challenge would be for Israel’s security establishment/intelligence community to devise a mechanism that protects the rights of individual Palestinians to exercise free choice and provides them safe passage to their destination of choice by vigorously forestalling any violent attempts to dissuade them from their quest of a better life. Indeed, in light of the impending implosion of the Palestinian Authority (see above), it might find that it has little alternative but to undertake such a role.
The diplomatic opportunity would be to use the fratricidal endeavor to dramatically illustrate the brutal nature of Palestinian society and to deconstruct the Palestinian national narrative. It is difficult to envisage anything that could better undermine the claim that Palestinians have an authentic national identity, and better underpin the counter-claim that they are, in fact, an artificially invented national entity, than demonstrating that they can only be held together by coercion and fear.
...Some have warned that the proposal will flounder on the allegedly rock-like Palestinian characteristic of “steadfastness” in clinging to their land – known as sumud.
Well, if the Palestinians are so sumud, how is that so many in fact left the land?
It would be intriguing to hear how the sumud enthusiasts reconcile their claim with the millions of “refugees” in the Arab countries, the hundreds of thousands in the US, Latin America and Europe (where reportedly 14% of the 5,000,000 Arab population are Palestinian).
It would be even more intriguing to see how sumud stands up to a competing challenge of a chance of a better life elsewhere, accompanied by a financial-package equivalent to two centuries of current GDP per capita...
*Martin Sherman ( is the founder and executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Abbas continues to libel and incite rather than seek peace

Abbas libels and incites hatred at the UN Genearal Assembly
AFP/Timothy A. Clary
...Mahmoud Abbas ...Thursday ...condemned Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria as "ethnic cleansing."
...He called on the Security Council to pass a binding resolution setting out a path to end the two-year deadlock in peace talks between Israel and the PA.
...He did not mention
- that any Jew who enters a PA village takes his life into his hands and that he has announced repeatedly that no Jews would be allowed to live in a PA state...
- how PA terrorists murder Jews, such as the Fogel famiy, steal livestock and destroy property...
- that he refused to negotiate with Israel, breaking off talks with one pretext after another, and
- that unilateral statehood declaration means no peace.
.. The PA is close to bankruptcy because his unilateral bid has stopped U.S. aid, which by law is predicated on his adhering to the Oslo Accords.
.. The PA is close to bankruptcy because his unilateral bid has stopped U.S. aid, which by law is predicated on his adhering to the Oslo Accords.
...Gaza's Hamas government, meanwhile, denounced the address by Abbas...
"We repeat that it would be better for Abu Mazen to proclaim the death of the negotiations and of compromise,"
said Taher al-Nunu, a spokesman for the Hamas government...
"We won't solve our conflict with libelous speeches at the UN. That's not the way to solve them. We won't solve our conflict with unilateral declarations of statehood," he added. We have to sit together, negotiate together and reach a mutual compromise in which a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes the one and only Jewish state."
Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Ya’alon also criticized Abbas’ speech, saying,
“This is not a speech of peace, not a speech of reconciliation. This speech reflects the avoidance of Abbas from allowing negotiations with Israel as he avoided Olmert's offer and as the Palestinians have avoided in the past.
“Abu Mazen has never prepared his people for peace with Israel, and his accusatory speech tonight at the United Nations is further proof that he does not intend to do so,” continued Ya’alon.
“He does not recognize the existence of the Jewish people and the Jewish people's right to exist in its own state, and he prefers to flagrantly violate every agreement by choosing unilateral [actions] over negotiations without preconditions. It's impossible to talk about peace, on the one hand, and on the other to incite in a speech at the UN.”
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Abbas’ speech because
“was a blatant incitement speech which made it clear to all those who live in illusions and are lying to themselves about Abbas’ true intentions and where he is going.
“Instead of thanking Israel for having saved the PA just a few days ago from a humanitarian and financial collapse, he chose to lie and defame Israel,”
continued Lieberman.
“Everyone who heard Abbas’ speech understands that he does not intend and does not want to be a partner to a peace agreement.”
Bibi Netanyahu at the UN
UN address by Benjamin Netanyahu, New York Sept 27 2012:
This 31-minute speech is eloquent, dramatic, and a MUST-SEE video for everyone observing the progress of humankind.
Bibi starts with:
This 31-minute speech is eloquent, dramatic, and a MUST-SEE video for everyone observing the progress of humankind.
Bibi starts with:
"3000 years ago, King David reigned over the Jewish state, in our eternal capital, Jerusalem..."Then he speaks of
- Jewish history and achievement, ancient and modern
- Israeli progress and leadership
- the struggle between modernity and mediaevalism; between love of life and glorification of death; between freedom and world conquest by suppression
- Israeli progress is based on Jewish tradition, like that of the US and free world: liberty, equality, human rights, human progress, love of life and peace
- confidence that mediaevalism will be defeated, but when and at what cost?
- the need to draw a "red line" on Iran's development of neclear-weapons capability, and where to draw it (enrichment, stage 2, being the only verifiable indicator of weapons capability)
- the need for the free world to work together to ensure that mediaevalism is defeated by modernity, based on our timeless traditions: love of life and peace
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
On Rosh Hashanah will be inscribed and on Yom Kippur will be sealed ...
From the IDF, for Yom Kippur, 24 Sept 2012 (turn up the sound, grab a box of tissues, and prepare yourself for Kol Nidrei...):
The Cantor and choir of the IDF sing "U'netaneh Tokef," the moving Yom Kippur prayer about Hashem determining who will die and who will live in the coming year - with scenes from the Yom Kippur War.
Let us now relate the power of this day's holiness, for it is awesome and frightening. On it Your Kingship will be exalted; Your throne will be firmed with kindness and You will sit upon it in truth. It is true that You alone are the One Who judges, proves, knows, and bears witness; Who writes and seats, (counts and calculates); Who remembers all that was forgotten. You will open the Book of Chronicles - it will read itself, and everyone's signature is in it. The great shofar will be sounded and a still, thin sound will be heard. Angels will hasten, a trembling and terror will seize them - and they will say, 'Behold, it is the Day of Judgment, to muster the heavenly host for judgment!'- for they cannot be vindicated in Your eyes in judgment.
All mankind will pass before You
like members of the flock. Like a shepherd pasturing his flock, making sheep
pass under his staff, so shall You cause to pass, count, calculate, and consider
the soul of all the living; and You shall apportion the fixed needs of all Your
creatures and inscribe their verdict.
On Rosh Hashanah will be inscribed and on Yom
Kippur will be sealed how many will pass from the earth and how many will be
created; who will live and who will die; who will die at his predestined time
and who before his time; who by water and who by fire, who by sword, who by
beast, who by famine, who by thirst, who by storm, who by plague, who by
strangulation, and who by stoning. Who will rest and who will wander, who will
live in harmony and who will be harried, who will enjoy tranquillity and who
will suffer, who will be impoverished and who will be enriched, who will be
degraded and who will be exalted.
Remove the Evil of the
For Your Name signifies Your praise: hard to anger and easy to appease, for You do not wish the death of one deserving death, but that he repent from his way and live. Until the day of his death You await him; if he repents You will accept him immediately.It is true that You are their Creator and You know their inclination, for they are flesh and blood. A man's origin is from dust and his destiny is back to dust, at risk of his life he earns his bread; he is likened to a broken shard, withering grass, a fading flower, a passing shade, a dissipating cloud, a blowing wind, flying dust, and a fleeting dream.
But You are the King, the Living and
Enduring G-d.
According to the PA: Israel is "more loathsome" than Nazis
Israel's treatment of Palestinians is worse than anything carried out by Hitler
and the Nazis during the Holocaust, according to the official Palestinian
Authority daily newspaper.
Three recent articles in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida claim that Israel's behavior is worse than that of the Nazis. The articles use such terms as "loathsome," "dangerous and criminal" and "despicable" to describe Israel's treatment of Palestinians and Arabs.
Palestinian Media Watch has documented PA Holocaust denial and distortion.
The following are excerpts from the three articles:
"It looks like the Palestinian National Authority is
simultaneously facing war on a number of fronts...Three recent articles in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida claim that Israel's behavior is worse than that of the Nazis. The articles use such terms as "loathsome," "dangerous and criminal" and "despicable" to describe Israel's treatment of Palestinians and Arabs.
Palestinian Media Watch has documented PA Holocaust denial and distortion.
The following are excerpts from the three articles:
Among the volatile topics is the insane settlement enterprise that the Netanyahu government continues, using racist settlers, who behave more like wounded and mad wolves aroused by the smell of blood, and whose actions against our people are more loathsome than any Zionist story about the Nazi Holocaust."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 6, 2012]
"Members of the Jewish religion must awaken from the coma of
historical distortion, which was fabricated by the Zionist movement and world
capitalists, the very same [capitalists] who wheel and deal in the Nazi and
Fascist slaughter of Jews during WWII. Since what they (i.e., the Jews)
are doing in Palestine against the Palestinian Arab people is more dangerous
and criminal than what Hitler's Holocaust brought on the Jews and the nations
of the world of the 1940s."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept.
18, 2012]
"The Al-Quds Open University branch in northern Gaza screened
the documentary film Two
Holocausts with director Dr. Suwailam Al-Abbasi and other film
participants attending. Also attending was the University Vice President
for Gaza Affairs, Dr. Jihad al-Batsh... who declared that the film is an
attempt to appeal to the viewer's conscience by presenting the main cases of
slaughter perpetrated by the occupation's gangs against the Palestinian
people. Al-Batsh added that the film shows that Israel and the Zionist
movement are doing to the Palestinian people what Nazi Germany did to the Jews,
in the same way, but in a more despicable manner."
Al-Jadida, Sept. 20, 2012]
PA hypocrisy: Don't defame religion (unless it's Judaism)
From PMW, 24 Sept 2012, by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik:
Palestinian Authority Antisemitism
Mahmoud Abbas:
"Insulting religions, faiths, or religious symbols cannot in any way be a part of freedom of belief or freedom of expression."
Religious lesson in official PA daily:
struggle between truth and falsehood is as ancient
as life upon this
earth... The conflict between us and the Jews
is not a conflict
about land and borders, but
rather a conflict about faith and existence."
In response to the film depicting Islam's
prophet Muhammad negatively, using terms like "child molester"
and "murderous thug," Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud
Abbas "condemned the insult to [Islam's] prophet" and added that
he rejects "freedom of belief or freedom of expression when it comes
to criticizing religion."
Mahmoud Abbas' condemnation of the defamation of Islam contrasts the PA policy of defamation of Judaism, demonization of Jews and promotion of Antisemitism, all of which are integral messages expressed by PA leaders and transmitted through the structures under their control.
Recent examples of this policy can be
found in all areas of PA expression. The moderator at a Fatah ceremony
demonized Jews as "the descendants of the apes and pigs." A PA TV
narrator said that Jews praying at the Western Wall are "sin and
filth." Senior PA official Jibril Rajoub referred to Jews as
"Satans" and "Zionist sons of bitches" on PA TV. The PA
Mufti and other religious leaders have defined Jews as the "enemy of
Allah," even preaching the following Hadith in PA TV sermons: "The
Prophet says: 'You shall fight the Jews and kill them.'" Indeed, what
these and many other examples document is that in the PA, not only is
demonization of Jews and Judaism common practice, it is also sometimes
promoted as a religious Islamic imperative.
Significantly, the PA's promotion of hatred of Jews is not limited to religious leaders and PA officials. PA TV featured young girls on children's programs saying that Jews and Christians are "inferior and smaller, more cowardly and despised" and that "our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail." Following classical European Antisemitism, a history program on PA TV taught that "Jews are hated in every society in which they have lived, because of their behavior relating to their great love of money." The official PA daily on Israel's independence day said Israel's goal was to turn a "Jewish monarchy in Palestine into a basis for their [the Jews'] eternal rule over the world, that others, 'goyim' [non-Jews], must submit to their will." (See details and many more sources below.)
The hypocrisy of the PA is evident. Abbas
condemns the recent video about Muhammad and states that "insulting
religions, faiths, or religious symbols" is not protected
"freedom of expression." At the same time, his own government's
policy is to indoctrinate Palestinians to hate Jews and to defame Judaism.
Click to view the full report in PDF PA Chairman Abbas condemned defaming Islam and religion: "President [Mahmoud Abbas] again condemned the insult to [Islam's] prophet Muhammad. He said... that from a religious, human, and moral point of view we cannot accept this insult, since it is a blatant attack on the entire belief system and the sensitivities of more than a billion Muslims in the world. President Abbas added that insulting religions, faiths, or religious symbols cannot in any way be a part of freedom of belief or freedom of expression..."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
Sept. 17, 2012]
PMW has collected 25 representative examples of this hate speech from PA
and Fatah leaders, spokespeople, children's programs and official media.
Most are from 2012 and 2011.
These examples appear first as short quotes and are followed by their full contexts and sources.
Additional documentation can be found on
PMW's website, including hate speech during the PA
terror campaign (the Intifada 2000-2005), when PA religious leaders
repeatedly called for the killing of Jews as an
Islamic demand.
"Jews and Christians are
"inferior and smaller, more cowardly and despised."
Moderator at Fatah ceremony
"Our war with the descendants of the
apes and pigs (i.e., Jews) is a war of religion and faith."
History program on PA TV
"The Jews are hated in every society in which they
have lived, because of their behavior relating to their great love of
money... This is how they harmed the societies that embraced them."
"The light rain [in Jerusalem]
cleanses the steps of the foreigners [Jews] so that the feet [of Muslims]
in prayer will not step on impurity."
Official PA daily's religious lesson by Sheikh Ishaq Feleifel (1)
The Jews' "evil nature is drawn from Adam's first
son [who murdered his brother]."
PA TV Friday sermon
"These new Mongols...the Jews, the
enemies of Allah and of His Messenger, the enemies of Allah and of His
Messenger! Enemies of humanity in general, and of Palestinians in
particular... Our enmity with the Jews is a matter of faith, more than an
enmity because of occupation and the land... Even if donkeys would cease to
bray, dogs cease to bark, wolves cease to howl and snakes to bite, the Jews
would not cease to harbor hatred towards Muslims. ... The Prophet says:
'You shall fight the Jews and kill them.'"
"From the balcony of our home, look
out over [Islamic] holiness (visual: Western Wall) and on sin and filth
(visual: Jews praying at the Western Wall)."
PA Mufti Muhammad Hussein
"The enemies of Allah [the Jews],
who have violated all faith and religious laws, and even deviated from
their humanity."
Official PA daily columnist on religion Sheikh Taleb Al-Silwadi
"Allah's enemies, the children of Zion."
"Our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a
Senior PA official Jibril Rajoub
"We are prepared to bring the
Executive Committee in helicopters... so they will see no Jews, no Satans,
no Zionist sons of bitches."
PA Mufti Muhammad Hussein
"The Hour [of Resurrection] will not
come until you fight the Jews. The Jew will hide behind stones or trees.
Then the stones or trees will call: 'Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is
a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'"
Official PA daily:
"There is no limit to the greed of
the Jews."
Fatah official on PA TV
"The Jews were murderers of
Official PA daily's religious lesson by Sheikh Ishaq Feleifel (2)
"The conflict between us and the
Jews is not a conflict about land and borders, but rather a conflict about
faith and existence."
Official PA daily on Israel's Independence Day
"Zionism is an extreme
religious ideology whose aim is political hegemony and the transformation
of a Jewish monarchy in Palestine into a basis for their eternal rule over
the world, that others, "goyim" [non-Jews], must submit to their will."
PA daily quotes children's march-chant:
"Jews, Jews! Your holiday is the
Holiday of the Apes."
Palestinian actor in
PA TV interview
"The Jew doesn't have a bent nose,
and isn't cowardly, and is not interested only in accumulating money. Of
course, he is interested in accumulating money - the Jews throughout
history, and in the religions, and the Quran tells us about the Jews and
their worry over money."
Official PA daily
"The rabbis of death and the
promoters of pagan Zionist thought have continued to spew their poison
among the Jews, in order to stir up and rouse feelings of animosity and
hatred against the Palestinians."
Chief Justice of PA Religious Court
"Concerning the Jews, the Holy Quran
says that they lack understanding, are void of wisdom, know nothing,
violate agreements, etc. However, the Jews were known - it was known about
them throughout history - that they make false claims, lies, forgery, slander,
and fabrications."
Additional examples of PA's Antisemitic hate speech and sources of all items cited in brief above: Jews /Israelis are "Allah's enemies"
Sheikh Taleb Al-Silwadi, columnist on
religious affairs in the official PA daily:
"One of the established facts is
that the voice of falsehood does not rebel [against the truth] except where
those who hold the truth [Muslims] forego their truth. Then there becomes
room for falsehood, such that it can kill, behave violently, spill blood,
and desecrate sacred things. That is what Allah's enemies, the children of
Zion, are doing before the eyes and ears of the entire world."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
June 1, 2012]
PA children taught to hate Jews and Christians: Jews and Christians are "inferior and smaller, more cowardly and despised"
Girl: Christians and Jews "are inferior
and smaller, more cowardly and despised. They are remnants of the
[Christian] crusaders and Khaibar
(i.e., Jewish village destroyed by Muslims in 629)..."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 11
and June 2, 2012]
PA children taught to hate Jews (1)
Young girl Lina: "Our enemy,
Zion, is Satan with a tail..."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 8,
PA children taught to hate Jews (2)
Young girl Laila: "Our enemy,
Zion, is Satan with a tail..."
[PA TV (Fatah),
April 7, 2012]
Senior PA official Jibril Rajoub says Jews are "Satans" and "Zionist sons of bitches"
"We are prepared to bring the
Executive Committee in helicopters... so they will see no Jews, no Satans,
no Zionist sons of bitches."
[PA TV (Fatah), May
17, 2012]
Moderator at Fatah ceremony: Jews are "descendants of the apes and pigs"
"Our war with the descendants of the
apes and pigs (i.e., Jews) is a war of religion and faith. Long Live Fatah!"
[PA TV (Fatah), Jan.
9, 2012]
PA Mufti Muhammad
"The reliable Hadith (tradition
attributed to Muhammad), [found] in the two reliable collections, Bukhari
and Muslim, says:
"The Hour [of Resurrection] will not
come until you fight the Jews.
The Jew will hide behind stones or trees.
Then the stones or trees will call:
'Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a
Jew behind me, come and kill him.'"
[PA TV (Fatah), Jan.
9, 2012]
Official PA daily:
"There is no limit to the greed of the Jews"
"Anyone with eyes in his head sees
that there is no limit to the greed of the Jews... The nibbling away at the
body [land] by the Jews continues at all levels."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
Dec. 30, 2011]
PA TV documentary on Jerusalem: Rain cleanses Jerusalem of Jews' impurity so Muslims can pray
"The golden dome [of the mosque]
shines with colors of the sky, with the white of clouds, while the joyous
holiday [Eid Al-Adha] is good to the residents. The light rain
cleanses the steps of the foreigners [Jews] so that the feet [of
Muslims] in prayer will not step on impurity."
[PA TV (Fatah), Nov.
6, 2011]
Kids' hate speech against Jews at PA Arafat memorial broadcast 3 years in a row
Girl: "He [Arafat] was our former
president... The Jews poisoned him and I hate them very much. Allah will
repay them what they deserve."
Boy: "He [Arafat] died from
poisoning by the Jews. Well, I don't know what he died from, but I know it
was by the Jews."
[PA TV (Fatah), Nov.
10, 2009, Nov. 10, 2010, Nov. 11, 2011]
Fatah official: Jews are "murderers of prophets," so Jews are prone to murder
Secretary of Fatah branch in Jerusalem,
Omar Shalabi, about the killing of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin:
Shalabi: "If the Jews
were murderers of prophets, why shouldn't they murder a Prime Minister who
signed a peace agreement?!"
[PA TV (Fatah), Nov.
11, 2011]
Op-ed in official PA daily: "The hatred towards Israeli Jews is not related to racist discrimination" - it's because they deserve it
"The hatred towards Israeli Jews is
not related to racist discrimination, and there is no nation, people, or
country which started any hatred against them. It is the Jews who have
always started every struggle and hostility; they view themselves as better
than all the nations and more honored than all the peoples (since they are
God's Chosen People). They call everyone else 'goyim' [lit. 'nations'], who
are below them in every respect. Moreover, they view themselves as
deserving of all the goodness, glory and power on earth, and believe that
they should attain ownership of the property of every non-Jew, in every
way. Therefore, in every country where they live, we see that they seek to
distinguish themselves from its inhabitants. They are concentrated in their
own neighborhoods, and want everyone who lives with them to become their
supporters. One of the things which stir up the nations against the Jews
and plants [feelings] in their hearts against them is their tricks, which
people understand..."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
Oct. 2, 2011]
Official PA daily's religious lesson: Judaism is a "distorted, corrupted, falsified religion"
Sheikh Ishaq Feleifel teaches religion:
"The struggle between truth and
falsehood is as ancient as life upon this earth... yet the mighty Islam,
from the breaking of its dawn and the spreading of its light up until our
time, has been targeted by its enemies... the enemies have announced in a
clear and provocative manner their despicable and terrible plot.
Sixty-three years ago, the Israeli Prime Minister, Ben Gurion, stood at the
UN after the entire world granted recognition to the malignant cancerous
growth known as the State of Israel... The Prime Minister of this
destructive cancerous growth stood up to declare the religion of the Jews
in Palestine to the entire world. I hope that the [Islamic] nation will
study this faith in order to know with certainty that the Jews talk, in
conferences and in negotiations, only through their distorted, corrupted,
falsified religion... The conflict between us and the Jews is not a
conflict about land and borders, but rather a conflict about faith and existence."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
June 3, 2011]
Official PA daily's
religious lesson: "[The Jews'] evil nature is drawn from Adam's first
son" who murdered his brother
Sheikh Ishaq Feleifel teaches religion:
"In this lesson I wanted to talk
about Cain and Abel - that's the first story on earth, whose victim was
Abel, at the hands of his brother Cain - because this story shows a
similarity to the Jews and their crimes... The Jews, by throwing off their
yoke, followed in the footsteps of the first person on earth who threw off
the yoke of Allah. Their [the Jews'] evil nature is drawn from Adam's first son [who murdered his
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
May 13, 2011]
Official PA daily on Israel's Independence Day: Zionism is a religious Jewish plan to rule over the non- Jewish world, and "Goyim [non-Jews] must submit to their will"
"The source of the name 'Zionism' is
'Mount Zion', one of the four mountains upon which the city of Jerusalem
was founded. The Jews believe that their God lives there. Zionism is an
extreme religious ideology whose aim is political hegemony and the
transformation of a Jewish monarchy in Palestine into a basis for their
eternal rule over the world, that others, "goyim" [non-Jews],
must submit to their will, which is drawn from the will of God."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
May 15, 2011]
Official PA daily quotes children: "Jews, Jews! Your holiday [Passover] is the Holiday of Apes"
"The spring carnival has retained
its [Palestinian] flavor in towns such as Bethlehem, Beit Sahour and
Ramallah... with the demonstrations of the Scouts, songs, dances, and
popular Palestinian hymns about Christian-Islamic unity and internal
Christian unity. These hymns carry meaningful messages, in response to the
Israeli prohibition [to enter Jerusalem], as seen in the calls of the youth
who lead the procession of light, waving swords and not caring if anyone
accuses them of Antisemitism: ... 'Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Christ redeemed
us, with his blood he bought us, and today we are joyous while the Jews are
sad,' and, 'Jews, Jews! Your holiday is the Holiday of the Apes, while our
holiday is the Holiday of the Christ.'"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
April 19, 2011]
Palestinian actor in PA TV interview: Quran says Jews worry over money
Abd Al-Rahman Abu Al-Qasem, Palestinian actor
living in Syria:
"Thirty or forty years ago, we
presented the Jew in the theater as someone with a bent nose who lends
[money] with interest and who understands nothing except money matters, and
is cowardly, ugly, interested only in collecting money and controlling the
people around him. However, this is not accurate or correct: The Jew
doesn't have a bent nose, and isn't cowardly, and is not interested only in
accumulating money. Of course, he is interested in accumulating money - the
Jews throughout history, and in the religions, and the Quran tells us about
the Jews and their worry over money."
[PA TV (Fatah), Feb.
27, 2011]
Official PA daily's headline: "Zionism reproduces the Holocaust"
"Day by day, Zionist racism is
becoming more firmly and clearly entrenched in Israeli society... The
rabbis of death and the promoters of pagan Zionist thought have continued
to spew their poison among the Jews, in order to stir up and rouse feelings
of animosity and hatred against the Palestinians, since the European and
American forces of evil facilitated for them the [fulfillment of the] idea
of the 'national home', in order to be rid of them and to remove from the
European [social] fabric the results and implications of the Holocaust
which they carried out against the Jews of Europe in Nazi Germany."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
Jan. 19, 2011]
History program on PA TV: Jews' money lending "Shylock" behavior caused Antisemitism
Jordanian academic Arafat Hijazi:
"150 years ago, when there were no
Jews in Palestine, the Jews were in Europe, in Eastern Europe, but the Jews
suffered from persecution by the European nations. The reason was that they
[the Jews] would harm the people of the lands in which they lived. They had
a problem: Wherever they went, they were expelled, and were
Jordanian academic Muhammad Dohal:
"The Jews are hated in every society
in which they have lived, because of their behavior relating to their great
love of money. Their behavior led to [Shakespeare's] famous story, the
story of Shylock about money lending, which clings to the Jews. This is how
they harmed the societies that embraced them, including the Palestinian
society, the Arab-Palestinian society."
[PA TV (Fatah), Oct.
17, 2010]
PA TV: Jews praying at the Western Wall is "sin and filth" - broadcast 2 years in a row
PA TV narrator: "They [Israelis]
know for certain that our [Palestinian] roots are deeper than their false
history. We, from the balcony of our home, look out over [Islamic] holiness
and on sin and filth [Jews
praying at the Western Wall]."
[PA TV (Fatah), Sept.
10, 2010 and Aug. 10, 2011]
PA Mufti: Jews are "enemies of Allah" who "deviated from their humanity"
Muhammad Hussein, Mufti of Jerusalem and
"The Al-Aqsa Mosque is threatened by
the plans of the enemies of Allah [the Jews], who have violated all faith
and religious laws, and even deviated from their humanity."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
June 26, 2010]
PA TV: Don't threaten kids with monsters, demons and Jews
PA cleric: "Bringing up
children with fear, anxiety and panic, scaring them when they cry - once by
mentioning a monster, another time a scarecrow or a thief, and some other
time a Jew, a demon, or the sound of the wind and other things, in order to
silence them. Then the child grows up as a coward."
[PA TV (Fatah), April
23, 2010]
Jews are "enemies
of Allah," "enemies of humanity," and "the Prophet
says... 'fight the Jews and kill them'"
The following are excerpts of a PA TV
Friday sermon from a mosque that was broadcast on PA TV:
"The loathsome occupation in
Palestine - its land and its holy places - by these new Mongols and what
they are perpetrating upon this holy, blessed and pure land...The Jews, the
enemies of Allah and of His Messenger, the enemies of Allah and of His
Messenger! Enemies of humanity in general, and of Palestinians in
particular... Our enmity with the Jews is a matter of faith, more than an
enmity because of occupation and the land... Oh Muslims! The Jews are the
Jews. The Jews are the Jews. Even if donkeys would cease to bray, dogs
cease to bark, wolves cease to howl and snakes to bite, the Jews would not
cease to harbor hatred towards Muslims. The Prophet said that if two Jews
would be alone with a Muslim, they would think only of killing him... The
Prophet says: 'You shall fight the Jews and kill them, until the tree and
the stone will speak and say: 'Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah' - the tree
and the stone will not say, 'Oh Arab,' they will say, 'Oh Muslim'. And they
will not say, 'Where are the millions?' and will not say, 'Where is the
Arab nation?' Rather, they will say, 'Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah -
there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'..."
[PA TV (Fatah), Jan.
29, 2010]
PA Chief Justice of Religious Court: Quran says Jews are evil
Dr. Tayseer Al-Tamimi, PA Chief Justice
of Religious Court, and Chairman of Supreme Council of Islamic Law:
"Concerning the Jews, the Holy Quran
says that they lack understanding, are void of wisdom, know nothing,
violate agreements, etc. However, the Jews were known - it was known about
them throughout history - that they make false claims, lies, forgery,
slander, and fabrications, in order to justify their aggression, land
theft, defilement of holy sites, appropriation of land, destruction of
homes, murder of children, women, and the elderly."
[PA TV (Fatah), June
9, 2009]
Official PA daily: Jews are sadists and liars
"[In his lecture, Dr. Yunes Amr,
President of Al-Quds Open University] addressed the subject of 'Jerusalem,
capital of Arab culture,' the characteristics of the Jews - their lies and
their sadism."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
March 25, 2009]
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