Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pravda: "Israel, you are Serbia now" (shudder...)

Now, for a complete change, a completely different opinion by Stanislav Mishin, published in Pravda*, 11/1/09:

So, do you regret siding with the West over Serbia 's Kosovo yet? If the answer is "no", give it another week or two and you will. With screams of "Back to the Ovens" ringing out of American demonstrations and things equally vile from those in Western Europe, you should have figured out a long time ago where your friends lay. The Cold War is over, even if the US is trying to start a second. Time to grow up.

You are the only Jewish state in the world so you are not going to find new Jewish allies. Your choices lay pretty much as follows: Shiite Islamic allies, Sunnie Islamic allies, Secular allies, Catholic allies, Protestant allies, Orthodox allies, Hindu allies.

The Shiite and Sunnie Islamites are obviously out of the question, since they would rather strangle their own daughters than tolerate your existence. Secular allies, be they Egypt , Turkey , France or America are also becoming harder to find. Egypt is touchy, with a large Islamic Brotherhood insurgency and its own corruption fueling a possible revolution. Turkey 's secularism has been undermined and taken over by the Sunnie Islamites and its foreign policy has followed suit.

The Western European seculars hate you for several reasons: one, they hold the liberal idiocy that all people should live in perfect harmony and if that does not work out, than just squeeze out the one or two peoples that are causing problems and things will be fine again. Further, they have forcibly imported tens of millions of Islamites into their countries, against the will of their people, and are now in turn afraid of their modern day Danes. To that extent, they will do whatever is needed to avoid conflict in their lands and maintain peace, and sacrificing you is nothing to worry about.

As for the Anglo-Marxist sphere, considering how much cash the Saudis spend on their politicians every year, do you really thing they care? If you are so delusional to think so, look at the fact that while the US arms you to $4 billion per year, it arms your surrounding enemies and possible enemies to $6 billion and with the latest and best equipment. Against whom do you think that will get used? They arm them even as they tell you to stand still while your neighbors toss missiles at you.

The Catholics are not much better. They are subject to the whims of the Popes and as these old men die off and new ones come in, their whims are open only to speculation and over all history has not been kind.

The Protestants? They only love you because they believe they need you to force the Armageddon and thus bring Christ…as if mere mortals can force the will of God to anything. But you will be sacrificed in their drive to be the masters of God's will and it will not be their children destroyed when their egotism is shown for the heresy it is.

The Hindus? Too far away. The Sino-Japanese nations of eastern Asia , equally disinterested, outside of getting some of your technology in trade.

So whom do you have left?
There is only one block of nations with whom you stand any chance: the Orthodox Nations. No other peoples have suffered as much from Islamic Jihad and have fought it so strongly. The leader of this informal block, the biggest is of course Russia.

Throughout her long history, Russia has stood by her allies, unlike the others. She has even gone to a world war for them. Just ask the Serbs. The Orthodox block is coalescing, driven together by faith, history and now the economic crisis. Presently it is Russia , Belarus , Armenia (not Orthodox but close enough) and Serbia with Greece and Macedonia in the wings and eastern Ukraine pushing in.

You already have the double advantage of Russia being your second biggest trade partner and primary source of oil and of having 1 in 3 of your citizens of Russian background. Further, with the Russian Orthodox Church being your biggest land owner, that only solidifies your position. Even the arms sales, by Russia , to the Arabs is primarily to stick a finger in the West's eye and will slow down and end if you are an ally.

What is lacking is a psychological trigger. You are like the beaten house wife to the West, always coming back for more abuse, if only they bring you some flowers. Time to grow up and face reality.

[If you enjoyed that, then go to the original posting on Stanislav's Blog, and check out the comments - SL]

*To be fair I should also republish the following waiver on Pravda:
"The opinions and views of the authors do not always coincide with the point of view of PRAVDA.Ru's editors."


Anonymous said...

I came across that bit of Russian propaganda while on the Serbianna site. Of course this guy fails to mention how Russian has helped buil Iran's nuke program. As well as provide weapons and a anti-aircraft missile defense system to protect them with. Also, the Russians continue to sell weapons and the like Syria as well. Isabella Ginor said in her article, "The Cold War's Longest Cover Up: How and Why The Soviet Union Instigated The Six Day War", how the Soviet Russian Defense Minister boasted this : "This year, the 40th anniversary of the great October Socialist revolution, the state of Israel will cease to exist." He made that boast in May '67, before the war broke out. Russia has not changed. They just don't call themselves the Soviet Union any more.

Stanislav said...

I realize this site is run by an American (or at best a Brit) and be you Jewish, you do not speak for Israeli reality, especially when your own neck is not on the line and the propaganda you are fed is flowing from your own ears. However, my points in my article, which you do not bother to debate, just attack with childish skill are valid and not made only by me.


Israel: Divorce America, Marry Russia

By Joel Bainerman November 5, 2006

There used to be a time when Israel had no other "superpower partner" to align herself with other than the US.

Today, that is not the case. Although few Israelis realize it, Israel has strategic options that it didn't have 15 years ago. In many respects, Russia is a much more suitable partner for Israel than the US.

If Israel switched her alliance to be more politically and economically friendly with Russia -- and less dependent on the US -- Russia might be less inclined to support the regimes in Iran and Syria.

This will strengthen Russia and enable Israel to find more common ground with its neighbours. The moment Israel aligns herself away from the US towards Russia -- American influence in our region will diminish.

Today, Israel pays a heavy price for its close alliance with the US. Israel is perceived as "America's sidekick" rather than an independent nation which serves its own interests.
During the end of the second week of July 06, Arab Knesset member Talab El-Sana was quoted in the Israeli press as stating:

"The war in Lebanon is an American war. The Lebanese, Palestinians and Israelis are paying the price. Israel is nothing more than a US subcontractor, doing America's work in the Middle East," said, one of the rally organizers." The United States is using Israelis and Lebanese to further its own ends. The US has nullified Israel's ability to make independent decisions."

He's absolutely right, but it doesn't have to be this way.

The events that transpired after 911 following the US's declaration of its "war on terrorism" didn't make Israel stronger -- despite the bear hug it got from the US ruling elite. Today Israel is more isolated and its domestic security situation more precarious than every before. Nearly six decades after the state was established, one of the reasons why Israel is still at war with its neighbours is as much to do with the need for the US to "intervene" into the domestic affairs of the region -- than due to "radical Islamic fundamentalism."

The US's sole global interest is the steady secure of oil. To attain this goal, it needs to have the Middle East kept in a constant state of turmoil.

Israel's interest is peace with its neighbours. Peace is not in the interests of the economic interests that dictate US Middle East foreign policy. This divergence of national interests has never been presented to the Israeli public. Despite the claim that "Israel and the US share the same interests" nothing could be further from the truth.

It is time Israel considered its other "superpower option." The way to neutralize Israel's main enemies in the region is to convince their backer that Israel is more valuable of an asset than they are. Israel could do this by moving away from the US and towards Russia.

Nobody hates the Russians -- nor should they. By contrast, many countries in the world (except Israel and Tony Blair) hate the US -- and by extension -- Israel. The US is economically weak -- devoid of energy sources. The only question is how long it will be able to cling to its superpower status.

In any new future alignment of the world's superpowers, it will likely be Russia, China and India against the US. In that scenario, Israel definitely has a much brighter future aligned economically and politically with these rising powers, especially Russia, than with the Americans.

While the US is a crumbling empire, Russian is doing very well economically, blessed with rich deposits of all natural resources and basic and precious metals. Unlike the US, Russia doesn't have to play games to ensure the flow of oil. Unfortunately, Israel gets sucked into the American orbit because of the "war on terrorism" that it has foisted on the world to justify its imperialistic goals.

In short -- Israel has been backing the wrong horse.

Russia, on the other hand, can be a real partner for Israel -- on many fronts. Firstly, New York is more than twice the distance to Tel Aviv than Moscow and thus it is easier for each other's business community to meet and share ideas.

As a market for Israeli goods and services, Russia is much more attractive than the US. The future of Russia's consumer market will be valued by how much Russia earns by selling its natural resources in world markets. For Israeli businesspeople, entrepreneurs and industrialists, Russia represents a very attractive future market. Whatever Russia needs, Israel can provide. Israeli expertise and technology are of greater value to Russia than to the US. Israel can be instrumental in raising the quality of life of everyday Russians by upgrading Russian industry and helping that country develop higher quality and more efficient services to its people. In the areas of science and technology, the two countries strengths are completely complementary.

From a commercial and economic perspective, a partnership of Israel and Russia is more valuable to Israel and whatever the US can offer Israel.

Israel will never be as equal of a partner to the Americans as it can be with the Russians because the Russians need Israeli expertise and know-how. America does not.

It's time for a change, for a fresh start with a new partner. Israel should tell the United States: "It was nice for a while, and thanks for the memories. But you and I together doesn't do much for me anymore. You are stunting my growth. I want a divorce so I can marry Russia."

Views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect those of israelinsider.

Steve Lieblich said...

Dear Stanislav
I'm sorry if my flippant introductory remarks offended you, however I simply cannot take seriously any suggestion to go into alliance with an immoral, murderous Czar, like Putin ... it would mean the end of Israel as a freedom-loving, ethical Jewish state.

Your justification for the suggested alliance with Russia seems to be your claim that it is Israel's "least-worst" option, but only after dismissing "the West", including the USA, because of the European tradition of anti-Semitism. However USA is not Europe. And while Europe (INCLUDING Russia) has emptied itself of its Jews, the Jewish demography today splits 45%/45% Israel/USA and the remaining 10% elsewhere around the globe....

And as for European anti-Semitism, I think Russia, and the orthodox churches can hardly come out looking clean compared to anyone, including the Nazis. The Czarist pogroms started in 1881-2, long before Hitler...

As for Mr Bainerman, his reasons are
1. reduced flying time than to USA
2. Israel is worth more to Russia than to USA

...hardly convincing, to me (neither of you).

Best wishes
(no personal offence intended, just a vigorous airing of ideas...)
Steve Lieblich

Stanislav said...

with an immoral, murderous Czar, like Putin ... it would mean the end of Israel as a freedom-loving, ethical Jewish state.

I would challenge you, outside of the Western propaganda, to back this. Oh and by the way, the great US ally, Georgia's Saakashvili used Grad Multiple Rocket systems to demolish the Jewish section of Tskhinvali, while he was busy massacring the citizens...paid for by US monies. Even the BBC finally admitted the Georgians started it and shelled sleeping civilians indiscriminately with large caliber artillery. Whose the murderers? The ones who back these thugs.

(On a side note, did you know the first thing US dollars went to in repairing Georgia was to repair and refurbish the Stalin museum in Gori and his statue in the center of the city? After all, Saakashvili is fond of reminding everyone he was born on the same day as Stalin.)

As for Israel, without the US Map to National Suicide (Bush), the Dayton Accords and Barak's offer to give up everything that Yassar demanded (Clinton) Israel would be a lot safer. Furthermore, might I remind you who brought Yassar and the PLO out of exile and made them legitimate and forced Israel to arm them? (Clinton) and may I remind you who saved the PLO from the IDF in the south and the Lebanese Christian Army in the north and sent them into exile at taxpayer expense? (Reagan).

Israel is a stooge for the US who is and has been in Saudi Arabia's pocket since 1948 when the Saudis agreed to value oil only in dollars. Without that there is little international need for the dollar and it gets sold off and floods the US into Weimer Republic style hyper inflation...which will happen anyways with your soon to be $3 trillion budget. Watch the economic death of England play out over the next 6 months, you'll copy it.

The pogroms of the late Tsarist period were little supported by the Church and took place not in Russia proper but in Ukraine and Poland, where most of the Jews lived. Furthermore, it was Russians who saved the surviving Jews of the Baltics by pulling them out ahead of the Germans.

Further, to compare the pogroms to the Nazis is to compare the common cold to the Black Death. They were not sponsored by the Tsars. Let me let you into a little clue. My paternal grandfather was a Jew. His father, his grandfather and his greatgrand father were all life long soldiers of the Tsar.

They also owned a pomestia (a piece of land given by the Tsar for service), a large farm, that the Western (read Wall Street) backed Marxists stole from them.

It was Stalin (and I do not defend that bastard) who sent Russian Jewish fighter pilots and tankers and equipment (through Romania) to defend Israel against the Western officered Arab armies.

As for accusations of genocide, I would be very careful in throwing those around, as no people, to include, the Jews are immune. Least I remind you the famous words of Grigon Zinoview:

Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky), speaking at a meeting of Communists in September 1918, effectively pronounced a death sentence on ten million human beings: "We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million of Soviet Russia's inhabitants. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated."

In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews."28 She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:
Sonja Margolina, Das Ende der Lügen: Russland und die Juden im 20. Jahrhundert (Berlin: 1992). Quoted in: "Ein ganz heisses Eisen angefasst," Deutsche National-Zeitung (Munich), July 21, 1992, p. 12.

We also will not go into the role atheist internationalist Jews played in the Soviet Party and Revolution and the genocides during the Civil War. Trotsky (Lev Bronstein), Yakov Sverdlov (Solomon)(murderer of the Tsar), Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky) headed the Communist International, and many many more, along with Latvians and Poles under Lenin. Of course by the time of Stalin, they, all three, were purged out by the Georgians and the Ukrainians.

Lastly, there is a reason that more than 120,000 Jews have returned from Israel to Russia and visa regime has been dropped. It is also rather interesting that the US monetarily supports Other Russia movement, the majority of whom are Lemonov's National Bolshevik (Socialist) Workers' Party aka Nazis. Even the flag is the same without the swastika but with hammer and sickle.

No personal offense meant, but reality is a far cry from US half truths and propaganda.

Steve Lieblich said...

Your following statements are not BELIEVABLE, Stanislav
* "The pogroms of the late Tsarist period were little supported by the Church..."

* "to compare the pogroms to the Nazis is to compare the common cold to the Black Death. They were not sponsored by the Tsars."

The pogroms a "common cold"? That's an injudicious use of language, to say the least.

Also see

"... the main campaign of Russian pogroms was initiated by Czar Alexander III in 1881. Overcome with anger at the murder of his father Alexander II at the hands of revolutionaries, the young czar immediately blamed the Jews. ...the story was circulated that the Jews had been behind it. ...Alexander III ...appointed a reactionary anti-Semite, Nikolai Ignatiev, as the new Minister of the Interior and organized two years of riots aimed at the expulsion of the Jews from his realm...."


"We know now that even the state police participated in disturbances like those at Elizabethgrad. Plundering and murder were openly encouraged by the authorities, while official accounts were censured before publication. The Russian Orthodox Church meanwhile did nothing to stop the carnage, but instead spewed anti-Semitic rhetoric, blaming the Jews for the misery of the peasants...."

So now you are suggesting, Stanislav, that it wasn't the Czars, nor the church, it was only Stalin...and that I should trust the Czar Putin and the Orthodix Church MORE than I trust the US democratic system?

I'm yet to be convinced, Stanislav.

PS While I appreciate your passionate expression of your conspiratorial views, I'm not urging you to respond again, because I don't want you to think I'm even CLOSE to being convinced ...

However, as I say, I respect your more-or-less courteous commentary, with one exception:
"As for accusations of people, to include, the Jews are immune..."

THIS, I consider an incendiary statement and I challenge you to back it up with anything that comes within a poofteenth of fuck-all hair's-breadth of truth.

Stanislav said...

In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the "historic sin of the Jews."28 She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, "The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition." In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:
Sonja Margolina, Das Ende der Lügen: Russland und die Juden im 20. Jahrhundert (Berlin: 1992). Quoted in: "Ein ganz heisses Eisen angefasst," Deutsche National-Zeitung (Munich), July 21, 1992, p. 12.