Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Iran is propping ip Assad

Report: Over 60,000 Iranians Fighting Alongside Assad Forces (AKI-Italy)
    There are more than 60,000 Iranians fighting alongside forces loyal to Syrian President Assad, opposition leader Ahmad Jarba claimed on Oct. 22.
    For this reason Iran should not attend Syrian peace talks dubbed Geneva II scheduled to take place next month, Jarba told Arab and Western foreign ministers in London.
    "Assad's regime would already have fallen were it not for the Iranian presence in Syria," Jarba claimed.   

Iran's Secret Night Flights to Arm Syria's Assad Revealed - Phil Sands (The National-Abu Dhabi)
    Iran provides military support to Syrian President Assad by way of regular clandestine flights between Tehran and Damascus.
    "There are private flights every week, sometimes three a week, and they are controlled by an Iranian officer in Damascus," a Syrian official said.
    "Everyone must follow this [Iranian] man's orders. We have been told he is the second most important man in Syria and that we are to do as he says without question," said the official.
    "We know the flights are being organized by the [Iranian] Revolutionary Guard."
    Another Syrian said at least some of the Iranian aircraft had been seen transporting fighters to help regime forces battle rebels.

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