Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Doctors Without Scruples

From Blogs, Sunday Aug 01, 2010, by Alan M. Dershowitz:

...Doctors Without Borders suddenly erects borders when it comes to Israeli doctors who flew to the Congo to treat 50 local villagers who had been severely burned. The Israeli volunteers worked around the clock, treated the burn victims and trained local doctors to perform skin grafts, and donated tons of medical equipment.

But the bigoted Doctors Without Borders refused to work with them and treated them "as though we were occupiers."

This should not surprise people who have been following Doctors Without Borders over the years. Dr. Marie Pierre Allie, President of the french branch of the organization, said that Israel's self defense actions in Gaza were actually worse than the Darfur genocide in the Sudan. Only a blind moonbat could even make such a comparison!

As one critic put it well, these are doctors with borders but without scruples...


Anonymous said...

I have been a benefactor to DWB for several years and have included them in my will. This news is reprehiensible and more than disturbing to me and, if verified, will result in me redirecting my monies. An organization of this type and stature has no place or business to be political and is, in many ways, a farce.

Steve Lieblich said...
